Thursday, March 11, 2010

Love Letter from Heaven

Dear People of Earth,

Your Mother Earth is waking you by the recent storms, tremors and high waves.  Many of you have been directly affected by these things, and many more have been shaken by fear. The time has been coming and is now here for you to awaken from your grand illusion.  You are like sleepwalkers stumbling around in your great night, unaware that your terrors are only dreams while you sleep.  Once you awaken, you will see such beauty that your hearts will be exceedingly glad.

Be still and listen.

Your greed and materialism have slain your brother.  If you are to survive the coming times you must turn your hearts to love your brother, give to him from your abundance, your finest silver and gold, your fine clothes.  

Pursue love, as you once pursued fine education, successful careers, grand homes and other things. 

Forgive all that you feel offends you, upsets you, even hurts you.  Love all.  The greater the perceived offense, the greater the opportunity to reach deeper into your hearts, even call on heaven's help, to love, to grow and expand in love. 

Fill your hearts so full of love, that hatred and selfishness will wither like unwatered plants. At first, love by "doing" love, since you are so ambitious. Do love and you will become love. You are what you do. 

Your whole life will change as you change over your spiritual currency from money and  materialism to love.  All your power comes from your love, not your money.  You grow stronger and more invincible as you love.  Love is power; and your loving presence, composed of tenderness, sweetness, generosity and kindness, is your sword of blessing which heals your world and brings all whom you bless into alignment with their divine nature.

The whole world will be healed, all the tears that flow from all the children and people on your Earth will be dried, when people and nations bend a knee to each other in love and compassion.  Bring down your corporations, bastions of materialism and greed, by no longer feeding their voracious appetites, gaping holes of nothingness which have been gnawing at your very souls, darkening the doorway to heaven. They too will blow away, like tumbleweeds on a windy day.  Let them fall. Watch them tumble into the dust where they belong. 

Love tenderly; love courageously. Seek love and you will find it.  It is the ticket, the only way, to that which is eternal and imperishable.  Set your course, make it your intention, watch your tongue. You were like children playing with nuclear weapons.  Guard your minds.  Before, you were sleepwalkers. Today you are made strong warriors, by the power and courage of love. Do not fear the winds of change that may storm through your world. You are safe.  You are safe within the loving arms of our Divine Source and Creator. All is well with you.  It always was. Your love has made you strong and given you the perseverance to face anything that comes.  Know this.

Go out and be in peace.  There is no other time.  It is already very late.

Given to you with great love from the One who loves you with an unbridled, undiminished love, and waits for your gentle awakening to your own divine nature as creators, great eternal beings of light, empowered by love itself.

Photo:  "Round Lake" by Marcus Obal

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