Tuesday, February 14, 2012

One World

Can you see we are all woven together on this beautiful earth, one people, one world, and one radiant fabric of conscious being with the gorgeous potential and innate ability to love? Do you know we can heal our earth when we apply our love to our land, our rivers, our children, our neighbors, our blessed animals, even our enemies and those who oppose us?  An enemy is only an unmet part of ourself, our own shadow standing before us.   

I believe we can find peace, I believe that we are one body, cast upon this precious planet, and we can find a way to love, to nurture, to support, to uplift each other.  We can begin healing our earth by loving our own bodies enough not to poison them with toxic foods. We can apply that same awareness and stop polluting our earth, our rivers, our animals, our land by being choosy about what we purchase to put on the dinner table and in our homes, offices, cars.  First we take care of our souls, which Tiger Lilies has been calling for, and then we take care of our own bodies as we would care for a child.  

If we did this, maybe we wouldn't need a national health care plan, rather all we might need is a national consciousness-raising.  We were not designed to get sick. Our cats and dogs were not designed to get sick.  We have been seduced into complicity with the dark forces which seek to sicken and kill us by creating an illusion of pain and lack which weakens us, making us perfect prey for addiction.  A parasite can only feed on a weak host.  Healthy dogs get less fleas than a sick or weak dog.  (It's a fact!) A healthy body and a healthy mind resists any kind of addiction and wisely stays alert to any temptations to be less than the beautiful, wise divine-human being God created.

According to the human genome project, the human being was designed to live to 120 years.  Why don't we?  The darker power, those run by greed and power, make billions of dollars off our unwellness through pharmaceutical sales and the sale of toxic food products in the grocery stores, to which we have been made addicted.  Wake up, my dear ones! Everytime you poison your own body with sugar, dairy, flour, cigarettes, pot and alcohol, you add to the toxic overload on the planet.  You are blindly mixing a toxic cocktail that is like a slow nuclear bomb going off in our bodies, and our rivers and soil.  

Love yourself enough to love each other.  Or, in the great words of the world's greatest One, "Love your neighbor as you love yourself.  On this hang all the law and the prophets." Remember we are all intimately connected, especially today on the day of love, and love yourself and your neighbor and your enemy and Our one world.  

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Stand up and be counted

Wake up, you sleepy prophets.  Wake up, speak out and bring your leadership to the effort to take back our world.

For many of us, to accept our own self-determination and freedom will ask us to dig deeply within for the courage to speak out and step out.  We will have to face many dragons as we struggle for our own freedom.

You have a real leader, a real hero to help you and equip you for the battle ahead.  Take heart and find the courage to look at everything with new eyes.

You are being called to stand up, take your sword of wisdom and have a voice.

Those prison guards of our lives who once believed us at our own self-imposed exiles, which we also believed we should endure, will not take kindly to our new voice.  We may have deceived ourselves into believing and allowing the circumstances around us to occur because we had been taught to be silent and submit to authority - even the well meaning authority of the church and government.  

We may have built castles around our lives and now realize those castles are more like prisons of the spirit, locking us in, rather than opening us into the beautiful green pastures for which we now long.  These are the times we've been waiting for and these times call for a courage we doubt we have but which we need and yet know we do have.  

The world needs your courage.  The world needs your voice and your strong stance for the freedom and dignity of every soul alive. Every new step of our lives, our real lives, call us to pray for courage until we are taller than those systems and principalities which we had allowed to silence and control us.  Heaven will help you as you seek for the strength and the courage to be free to stand up and be counted among the new leaders God is calling us to free our world from the powers of darkness and ignorance.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Divinity of true humility

Message from our Blessed Mother to Mirjana, Feb. 2, 2012:

Dear children: 
       I am with you for much time and already for so long I have been pointing you to God's presence and his infinite love, which I desire for all of you to come to know.  And, you my children?  You continue to be deaf and blind as you look at the world around you and do not want to see where it is going without my son.  You are renouncing him - and he is the source of all graces. You listen to me while I am speaking to you, but your hearts are closed and you are not hearing me.   You are not praying to the Holy Spirit to illuminate you.
       My children, pride has come to rule.  I am pointing out humility to you.  My children, remember that only a humble soul shines with purity and beauty because it has come to know the  love of God.  Only a humble soul becomes Heaven, because my son is in it.
      Thank you.  Again I implore you to pray for those whom my son has chosen - those are your shepherds.

The above message from our Blessed Mother was given to Mirjana, one of the visionaries at Medjugorje yesterday.  It is so profound, beautiful, and powerful.

Given the amount of effort Heaven has been putting into communicating with us lately, it is important to hear Our Blessed Mother's message with real understanding.

When our Blessed Mother reminds us to enter into humility in order to shine with purity and beauty, she is not calling us to surrender into spiritual slavery to the world.  She is not calling us into weakness and self-lessness. She is calling us into our true communion with ourselves which is communion with God, rather than the mask of the ego which some may mistake for their true self.

Our Blessed Mother is calling us to clear our egos, remove all our issues that lead us into those masks of the ego, arrogance and pride, and be filled with a self-love that comes ONLY when our own little selves are filled to overflowing with God's love.  This is the message of her son.  Pride is what has caused the predator-victim symbiosis that keeps the power brokers at the world's helm.  If we removed our attachment to material things, and entered into complete dependence on God's great love and providence, we would not be  controlled by the external world.  Our souls would shine with a wisdom and power that would lift us into real living. 

Real humility is real empowerment, freedom and nonreactionary because there is nothing left within our egos to trigger. When there is nothing else in us, when we are completely emptied of any of the vanities of life, when we have swept our souls clean, freed our minds, and have invited in the holy spirit, God's power and love will come into our now clean hearts. In that state, we are truly powerful and truly humble. 

It is a fallacy that humility is a self-debasing state of victimization.  Please don't make that mistake.  Be no one's victim and be no one's abuser.  Be free of that spiritual disease that has kept good people enslaved to ignorance and spiritual poverty. Only in freedom can you choose to receive God's love and will for your life.  Only in freedom are you truly humble and only in freedom can you choose God above this dark world.  And, only in freedom will you accept the holy spirit's wisdom and bring to the world authentic leadership through your own humble presence.


Photo from: www.medjugorjemiracles.com