Thursday, February 26, 2015


While every word is powerful, true and inspiring, this gorgeous song can be heard also with new ears.  We can and must share the teachings of Jesus Christ with the world. We must extend His message to the farthest reaches of the planet without the baggage of old religion. We can extract the power and beauty of the faith and leave the old wine skin behind.  Now is the time for the spirit not the tabernacle. 

I believe, He did not come to start a religion or enforce an ancient law or even launch a war against evil. He came to bring us enlightenment based on an awareness of truth and the way to real life, the way to joy and even eternal life.  He came to make us rich in LIFE.

Since he did not come to start a new religion, or any religion, then why do those who believe in what he taught us insist on organizing as a religion, posing before the world as one?  That very idea sets up a sense of exclusivity, which is so very contrary to what he taught.  He called for us to enter into a spirit of  harmony and Oneness, immersed in the love of the One who is the all in all.

He came to set us free from the bondage of fear, the vicious condemning judgment of those who endorse the status quo, controlling, oppressing and preying on the innocent.

He came to align us with the powerful force of life itself, that permeates all of life, extending throughout the universe - and beyond, if there is a beyond.

It seems to me that one could be a believer in what he taught us and not be religious.  I challenge anyone who claims to believe in "god," who might be known by any number of names, to listen carefully to the teachings of this brightest light. He never said he was the exclusive son of god, who is Our Father, but rather that we are all - everyone of us regardless of anything - children of the living creator, the Father of all that is. 

Now, take that to the mosque, the temple, the church and out into the streets and live without fear. Sing, dance and rejoice because you are loved beyond your wildest imaginings and are free to be who you were created to be, the most precious, cherished child of the Father.

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Conscious living

"Wake up in the morning and know it's going to be the best day of your life . . .  have no fear . . .  know that anything is possible. Remember that anything you put into your mind materializes, exhale every negative thought." 
 - Tao Porchon -Lynch

Absolutely inspiring!!  A gift from Thaddeus.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Believe You Can

Precious ones, all you who have been hurt, broken, even crushed by life itself, there is hope. Be encouraged.

All you who feel drawn by an invisible longing for a more joyous life, and who want out of the mental cages, where you have been entrapped by the many forces and systems of our world, there is a new way. Be encouraged.  

All you who want a radiant, vibrantly alive life, full of that all pervading knowing that all really is well, all you who hope for something more than what you currently are enduring, it is time to awaken to a new hope. 

What you seek is within reach - no matter how oppressed, beaten down, worn out, exhausted, spent, depressed, discouraged, and down right done with it all you are.  The pain is the crack which will allow the light out. 

There is hope, a very real, tangible, true way. You don't have to make or be strong enough or smart enough or educated enough to make it happen.  In short, you don't have to outsmart the oppressor because there is a presence so powerful, so brilliant that will do it, if you will allow it to flow through you. The solution comes out of your being rather than your doing. I can imagine that's a new thought for some.

God, who is Universal Consciousness / Ultimate Being, is fully aware of your circumstances. He knows your name, knows your history - even better than you know your history. He knows how you got to where you are, and he wants you to experience absolute joy - and the power and freedom which brings it. Your fulfillment and joy is right there, waiting for you to reach for it.  

Believe wholeheartedly that you are worthy, and that means unconditionally worthy, and loved, and that too is unconditional.  

Good people have all come up against this. False interpretations of the great sacred writings have boiled it down a master/slave mentality which reduces you further by martyr complexes, all of which are anti-life, and obviously not empowering.  They falsely taught that God was punitive, judgmental, wanting something from us and that - bottom line - we aren't worthy. They sent you down a dead end street. Even the precious and beautiful teachings of our St. Francis of Assisi,meant for the spiritually enlightened, wouldn't have empowered those broken in spirit and heart.  

The path is easy, light and very do-able.   

The universe is full of creative power and that creative power does not discriminate.  It is there for everyone. It is there for you, despite how much you think you're unworthy or powerless or it's not been in your experience.  It is there for you.  

That all pervading creative power of the universe wants to empower you, to get you back on your feet and then up to full speed to succeeding in your life's goals, dreams and paths.  It wants to light up your life.

The I Ching uses the metaphor of a river.  It says that life itself is like a river, flowing to the ocean.  The ocean might be another word for Ultimate Consciousness, which, again, is the power of creation which fills the universe.  It has an innate flow, and tugs at you to get into the flow.  It wants to fill your body and your soul with it's creative power. That's its mission.  

Its driving force is to create, and creation is positive energy directed and moved by the awesome genius of the intention. You, the dreamer, send out a positively-charged (by your wanting it) intention.That creative energy has been tugging at your consciousness all your life, wanting you to open the door to it. You can allow it in.  Do not be afraid. 

Meanwhile, try to accept everything you've been fighting against. Forgive what hurts you, and surrender to the lesson you're supposed to learn from the experience. Often it's a huge learning experience that leads you on a quantum spiritual leap.

If it's your job, your relationships, your kids, you in-laws, your environment, whatever it is, stop running from it, stop fighting it.  Let it be.  Accept it, and allow yourself to focus more on self - honoring, first in attitude, then in action. This takes you back to the first step which is accepting that you are worthy.

Follow inspiration regardless of what seems practical at the moment.  Soon you will see the genius in the trust it takes to reach beyond your comfort zone.  This also requires trust that your intuition is true and again that comes with the awareness that you are even worthy enough to receive inspiration and that your inspiration is true and trustworthy.

Reach for what you want, even if it's just allowing yourself to explore mentally and entertain in your imagination what you want. 

Start small, maybe, and build on it.  The universal consciousness - our Father - doesn't care what it is, really. So, it's ok to reach for what you want.  It's the reaching - first in intention, then in action - that's so important. Realize that it's ok, believe you're worthy, and reach.

Then, relax, drop everything and celebrate. Sing, dance, lift up your arms and shout praises to God - even if you don't like the religious part of it, allow your spirit to be filled with joy and - for me, anyway - praise does that.  

Continue to acknowledge that you are worthy because you are part of creation and creation itself is worthy. And, that sense of worthiness alone is worthy of gratitude and praise. There are no degrees to worthiness. It just depends on how deep you let that sink in and what you have to let go of to let it sink in deeply.  It will displace a lot of stuff, for sure.

Despite what the oppressing forces have done to your mind, accept your worthiness and allow yourself to open your mind and heart to the joy of self-honoring.  That joy is power and that power is the force of the universal creative flow, which will change your life.

And, then, once you are free and on the path, take someone's hand and set them free too.   

Monday, February 9, 2015

Our Father

Our Father who art in heaven
hallowed be thy name
thy kingdom come, thy will be done
on Earth as it is in Heaven
Give us this day our daily bread
Forgive us our trespasses 
as we forgive those who trespass against us
Lead us not into temptation, but
Deliver us from evil
For thine is the kingdom and 
the power and the glory forever, and ever. 

Oh Divine Creator, lover of all, whose very presence suffuses all dimensions of the universe, whose name is our name, whose self is our self, who is love and ultimate being and have made us like yourself, we honor you with all our heart, mind and soul,

Your realm is truth and your will is love, and our will is to live in tune with your will, your truth and your love all the days of our lives.  

Today, fill us with your divine being, your presence, so fully that as we live and move in our world, here on Earth, your realm of beauty and love is brought here among us.

Help us to remember to let go of all that blocks us from your unconditional love of us and our unconditional love of others. 
Help us to see only You in others and pray they only see You in us.

Strengthen and empower us with your presence, your Divine immunity to the dark forces, and surround and protect us with your love.

You are all that is true and lasting. You are authentic power and light, for you are greater than we can ever understand and are everywhere and in everything for all time and will be as you always have been, forever


Sunday, February 1, 2015

We are One Consciousness

Enlightened, Extraordinary, and Brilliant.  It's a long one, but find a comfortable couch and listen. It will change your outlook and even your life. Most of all it will rekindle hope, love and joy in your heart. If you haven't heard about Dr. Eben Alexander, author of Proof of Heaven, you are in for a wonderful awakening.