Sunday, April 4, 2010

Love lights the way to Life

Softly, light filters through the still dark morning. Its emerging glow lifts the heavy heart, as a mother would lift her young child's tear-streaked face to  hers. Time stands still as this moment stretches open the curtain between worlds, revealing an eternity reaching out beyond our vision, more beautiful, more wondrous, more hopeful, more promising than anything we could ever have imagined.

In that eternity, among stars and glittering lamps of far away star systems, He stands, arms outstretched, radiant with love beyond our wildest dreams, eyes full of the compassion that comes from personal experience.  We wanted to believe this.  We'd always hoped it was true - that this rich conscious experience of living would continue long after our frail human bodies wear out, like old clothes from a lifetime of hard wear.  

Beyond this moment, now, in this radiant encounter, there is nothing else.  Suspended in time, held lovingly by a force beyond our conscious understanding, we enter a new, awakened, reborn, consciousness.  Love is born in us today.  Earth's womb has labored through a lifetime, many lifetimes, and today at the break of day, we are reborn along with He who shows us the way to life, He who is the light, He who taught us that only love is eternal and that is the only life there is. 

Hell has no power, now; we can see that.  

In this moment, it is all so clear.  We pray that we can take this back with us into the dim twilight of our lives again.  The gift of the ages is this truth: life is eternal.  We do not die; we cannot die.  He did not die; He could not die. All the blind fear, cold, mean, petty cruelty of ego's raging hatred had no power over the Master of Life.  The plague of fear cannot cross the heaven/earth barrier because it simply isn't real. It isn't there.  It diminishes, dissipates in the brilliance of His presence. It was an illusion we believed for so long that we are hard pressed to release it, like an old familiar habit is hard to break.  We are sometimes too afraid, too steeped in, too controlled by the illusion, to believe the truth. 

Only joy, only the love behind those tears you once wept for love lost, will carry your waiting heart across the river where He now stands, today, brilliant, waiting for you, drawing you, loving you.  He is here, now, today, and everyday. But, today, you wanted to see; you wanted to believe.  Like Thomas, you did believe; you were only a bit afraid to believe and hope with all your heart. It was such a big hope that if it weren't true, you knew you couldn't bear another broken promise.  

He takes your hand, lifts your face, wipes your tears, and promises that He is true.  He will never, could never, would never be anything other than true and the power He has, He will teach you to find within yourself.  Only love.  All else isn't worth your while.  

"You too, are a child of Our Father," he says to you.  "You always were and you always will be.  Just like Me.  You too will champion over death and fear and all those things in this dense existence here that would limit your flight to heaven. Be like that child you once were, when you fell and hurt yourself and your mother held your head.  Your God loves you even more than she did."

Today you are free, in love, born again into heaven's arms.  Be still and know that you are loved, beyond your wildest dreams.  You are loved.  Today, you are alive because He is alive and He is in you, and you are in Him.  You are one with Him as we are all one together.  There is only One mind.  We are only One mind and as He stands there this morning with his beautiful welcoming love, He would remind you that you and He are One.  You too will rise up from the cruelty of this dark world that has lied to you, that has led you to think you were a slave, when you are a freeman, more powerful and alive than you ever knew.  

Take His hand and walk with Him and he will show you the way to life.  His  truth is that you are eternal, made of light, designed to love, born with a real power in an instant, that fires you - and all of us - into a real life, unending eternal life, stretching out beyond the bounds of your own imaginary limitations.

Today, take His hand and walk with Him.  Leave your tired worries behind you.  Be in Love today and maybe tomorrow and the next day and the next, you will remain in this permanent, eternal, beautiful moment, forever. 

by Arnold Friberg; 
available at
Art Country Canada
15 Balsam Ave. - P.O. Box 753 -
Bragg Creek, Alberta
Toll Free 1-877-265-4555 ---- ----  

1 comment:

  1. This was a wonderful Easter message. But I believe it extends beyond to encompass the rest of the year, as well. Just as Jesus' message can be heard in every moment. Please continue speaking your words of light. Remember, it takes only one candle to light the darkness.
