Thursday, November 4, 2010

Seeking the sacred other

Love is the subjective essence of consciousness.  It is the glue that holds people in relationship, connection, with each other, despite distance, through time, even over many years. Love doesn't see age differences, or even physical impairments.  It sees with the heart, blindly, sailing into heights of joy when the other is present. When the essence of the other is not present, the void may become unbearable.  Since nature abhors a vacumm, that void will long to be filled, and if it cannot find its lover, it will seek to be filled by a substitute.  And, that's when the human soul suffices materialism for its sacred other.

There's a term in nutrition called "pica," which is a phenomenon in which a person who is virtually malnourished will crave something unhealthy rather than the nutrient it actually needs.  For example, years ago it was noted that hungry children were craving and eating paint chips, which were full of lead.  They actually were craving lead.  Nutritionalists soon discovered that these malnourished children, who were severely in need of calcium would go into a state of pica and seek out poison rather than the real nutrient.  They weren't craving milk, rather they were craving lead. Often people who need iron, will crave carbohydrates, especially chocolate.  And, everyone's familiar with the diabetic's craving for sugar or alcohol.  

Love is like that.  It longs for that dance of relationship, the sheer bliss of loving another, which is a mere reflection of the divine relationship, but in a world so starved, malnourished for love, the collective human consiousness is now in love starvation and picas for idols of the sacred, for material objects, shiny things that are nothing, but in some twisted, false way feel like an adequate substitute.  After materialism, comes all the other array of earthy illusions: power, and false obsessions of the ego such as elitism, imperialism, all of which only build stronger walls against love.

The sweet tender flame of love eternally stands humbly before the darkness of the cosmos, and waits. Inextinguishable, yet cast against the dark tapestry of our age, it waits forever, hoping and believing that in the end, humanity will remember that only by its light will he find his way back to his true self, his true essence and cast away the idols of earth's illusions and settle for nothing less than true love's presence and embrace.

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