Monday, January 17, 2011

Heaven overflows with love for YOU!

Heaven is always pouring its love toward us, flooding us with love, light, joy and power.  It's all around us and yet it seems sometimes we are too preoccupied to notice. I think if we knew this, really knew this, we would all turn around and run toward God with our hearts, minds and arms wide open. 

The divine draws from its own infinite source to create. Since it's clear that the divine doesn't draw its power from us, it flows toward us, offering itself to us, rather than away from us and taking from us. Heaven doesn't need anything from us.  It doesn't need a sacrifice, a slaughtered lamb or a long lingering fast or even alms and tithes.  

God's love really only wants to love and by receiving God's love, the flow is opened.  As part of creation, the divine flows toward us (as it does for all of creation) to evolve us, uplift, empower and continue its creation of us. 

Underlying some religions is the idea that we must serve God, that we must sacrifice to God. Tandem to that, is the idea that if we fail we will somehow be punished.  It seems to me that if that were true, the whole world would really be a horribly mean sham.  It seems incongruent with the God of creation.

I have come to realize that many of us have been duped for way too long.  We've been blindly believing the biggest fallacy out there which consequently has led many to dismiss the whole God subject.

God does not judge, nor condemn, nor criticize because love does not judge, nor condemn, rather it is allowing, accepting, believing, nurturing, building, healing. God loves with a power beyond our wildest imagination. Judgment, condemnation, criticism stunt creativity, stifle the flow from the heart by instilling fear. I think it may be challenging for us, who live in a world completely run on the idea of judgment and punishment, to shift away from that idea and accept that love is allowing rather than controlling. If we as a world can step away from the fear of God, and embrace love, I truly believe the world would cease its endless fear-based conflict in no time.

If we really knew that God only wants to give to us,  lovingly, tenderly, patiently completely without judgment, innocently, without guile, deceit and very much without an agenda, our lives and our world might be very different. I can't help wondering what that would look like.  

I think we have misunderstood what "giving up our lives" for God meant.  I am convinced that when Jesus told us that to receive life, we must give up our lives, he was talking about giving up the empty masks we wear, which we think are our lives and in which we are so heavily invested. He actually only asks us to give up our fears and dramas in exchange for real lives of freedom and love, given to us when we receive God's love.

Over  the ages, God sent messengers,  prophets, wise men and women to tell us that we are made in God's image, and God loves us and wants us to drink from his great stream of life the love, power, joy and creativity in order to grow up and fully realize our potential as God's children. 

I have come to realize that while God does not ask us for anything other than an open, receptive heart and mind, that is not a small thing either.  God's love is alive, catalyzing, enlivening, empowering and has a kind of life of its own.  It will change us.  It will cause us to enter an entirely new reality, a real life, a life of love focused on giving, rather than seeking for ourselves.  I think we would find that we would only want to give which may be why Jesus said it was more blessed to give than to receive.  

Love's essential nature is to give, to extend, to create, to increase and so by giving, it accomplishes its nature.  By accepting God's love, we are accepting life itself which takes us to a whole new and wonderful level and experience of being alive.

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