Monday, August 15, 2011

Light-Bearing: Christian Foundation for Children and Aging

While Tiger Lilies is all about growing spiritually, mystically, into our full potential as divine beings having a "human experience," it is equally committed to growing in love outwardly and bringing the spiritual light of love into the world. 

In a new series, "Light-Bearing," I will introduce you to some of the best charitable organizations out there.  After careful research, they are the best investment for your hard-earned financial gifts, as they dedicate at least 75% of your contribution directly to the child or family you adopt to love and help.

Today's Light-Bearer:
The Christian Foundation for Children and Aging.

While the news is all about the famine in Somalia and the flood of refugees pouring into Kenya, there is more to the story than a drought-induced famine. It's about a dark spot on the Earth due to a shortage of love.  We may be able to help make up that shortfall of love with our prayers and generosity.

Half a million children risk dying due to starvation, today, but many of the causes of this great global tragedy is due to political and economic circumstances stemming from a 50-year civil war as the country staggered under the onslaught of terrorist forces by Islamic insurgencies. Recently, Somalia's clashing forces consolidated into a Transitional Federal Government, but no nation can survive, not to mention thrive, divided against itself. The consequences are in the headlines.

And, contributing to that already existing political/economic climate is the radically changing global climate causing the less than normal rainfall needed for crops and drinking water.   

While the greatest need today is Somalia's children, there are rising needs other countries around the world.  That need is expected to increase as the global climate changes and the economic prosperity dims, even for the world's most prosperous countries.

Now, the good news in all this tragedy is that it offers us all a wonderful spiritual opportunity. There is a spiritual phenomenon about giving.  You may already be aware that it feels good to give. It opens your heart, allows the goodness that has been given to you, to flow through you and out into the world.  While it is a noble thing to give, it is that "flowing" that feels so rich, vibrant, enlivening and loving.  We feel good when the flow is turned on.  

The interesting thing about that "feel good" feeling is it allows the goodness of God to flow through us as we open our hearts and resources to our global family, specifically a child in India or an entire family in Guatemala.  Also, the beautiful thing about adopting a child or a family somewhere else is it connects you with a world larger than your own.  It puts you actively on the world's human web, allows your life to make a meaningful difference to your brothers and sisters around the world.

It is both a noble thing to do and it brightens your life, your world, as it brightens another.  It is good morally and spiritually.  It is good social justice and it is good mysticism.  

Now, about today's organization:

Christian Foundation for Children and Aging

Through the Christian Foundation for Children and Aging, you can adopt a child or an entire family, build a relationship and support those who are in dire need in many countries around the world. This organization has been given an A+ rating by the American Institute of Philanthropy. Through the organization's "Hope for a Family" sponsorship program, you can adopt a child or family from 22 countries around the world, in which the organization works and through which it serves more than 300,000 children, youth and aging persons.  Because of the love and wisdom and generosity of more than 250,000 sponsors, the Christian Foundation for Children and Aging is a true light bearer in our world.

The Christian Foundation for Children and Aging supports children and families in five targeted regions on the Earth.  Those regions are:

Mexico and the Caribbean: Mexico, Dominican Republic and Haiti

Central America: Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua

South America: Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Venezuela

Asia: India and the Philippines

Africa: Uganda, Tanzania, Madagascar, Kenya and Liberia

Sponsor a friend

Meet Sumit

Country: India | Age: 4 | Male

Sumit is an active boy. He loves to smile. Sumit wants to have a good education and become an engineer when he grows up. He lives with his parents and his older sister and brother. Sumit's mother is a housewife and his father is a laborer. They do not earn enough income to support their family.
Talents and pastimes:
Jobs at home:
Doing his school work
Favorite school subjects:
November 12, 2006

1 comment:

  1. It was great to see CFCA featured! I highly encourage all to participate in this wonderful charity. My family sponsored a Guatemalan child from age 9 until she finished grade school and trade school. It was an enriching experience to read her letters about her way of life. Still praying for you, Sheny!
