Sunday, August 25, 2019

Cosmology of liberation

If you are ever to find peace - and joy - you first have to free your mind.

The single predominant mystical path to God in the teachings of Jesus and Moses is the concept that we, as children of God, are called to be free as God is free, filled with the creative power of love as God is love.  It is a cosmology of liberation, a paradigm of whole-life freedom beginning first with a free mind. Some worry that liberation means freedom from the law as if there is no other kind of freedom.  There is another kind of freedom. 

Perhaps Buddhism has the best description of it, but then so does the Gospel of Thomas.  Buddhism calls us to detach from everything and the Gospel of Thomas calls us to "be passersby."

The ultimate freedom is freedom from our own thoughts, which stem from the thoughts and emotional manipulations - even physical oppression - of others that have been handed down to us, even taught to us by well meaning parents and others.

To test if your mind is free, ask yourself: "Am I in a deep, all pervading state of bliss?"  "Do I feel God's love for me?" "Do I feel peaceful no matter what is happening to me or around me?" 

Probably, like most of us, you will grasp the idea but still feel little things nagging at you.  It's winter in the northern hemisphere and the lack of sunlight has a depressing effect and so we enter into that state.  There's never enough money to accomplish our goals and so that takes a toll on our joy.  Etc.  Then, there's the fear of what your boss will say or do next, what your kids will do or who they might bring to the dinner table, or the million other things that seem to sabotage your day.  There will always be these things.  There always have been and there always will be. 

The challenge is not how we will pay our bills or children's college tuition.  The challenge is how are we going to stay centered in our Christ-consciousness where there is only peace and bliss.  How are we going to stay in an inner state of paradise and not get dragged out into the mental hell of all these demanding things.  That is the challenge.

When our mind is free, it won't be attached to any thought that will take it away from its natural state of bliss.  If we are not in bliss, our minds are not yet free.

As you consider this, you may want to take some time to think again about what you're thinking and feeling.  Even make a list of the thoughts that seem to torment you and trace them back to their source.  That source will be some dragon of sorts.  Once you unveil them, like the little man behind the curtian in the Wizard of Oz, you will dispel its power over you.  You can do this with all the thoughts that hold you captive in a perpetual state of dis-ease.

Remember that God's reality, authentic eternal reality, is an endless sea of God's perfect, powerful, abounding love for you. It is a love so powerful, so radiantly creatively alive, that you would be immediately transformed by the simple awareness and acceptance of it.

The new world will be about this.  It will be about liberating your mind from all those old thoughts that hold you in a state of dis-ease through guilt and manipulation in all kinds of little incidious ways.  And, while you're navigating through those thoughts, like sunken barges in a shallow marina, consider that all that is true, that is authentic and real, is love.  It is the power and life, the creative power to create the world you would rather have.  It's yours once you claim your mind back from all those others who have gotten into your head and are holding you captive in a dungeon of on-going spiritual poverty. 

This is just a thought I share with you as I also work on this.  It's a journey and maybe the most noble of any journey we'll ever take.  I know it is for me.  So, join me, as we set sail for paradise right here, right now, right where we are.

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