Friday, August 10, 2012

Circle of Life

In all the great religious sacred scripture, there is an emphasis, a call to focus on that which is only found within our own center, at the core of our being, the nucleus of our Self.  

At that center of who we are, we find a doorway - a portal, a narrow gate, the stargate - and when we enter it, we enter into the absolute - the Being who is in everything and is everything - and that Being is whom, the ancients called the "I AM."  It's interesting and mind boggling at the same time.  When we finally cut through all the layers and layers of "masks" our ego lays on us, and we experience that ultimate peace of Being one with Ultimate Being, we find a most awesome thing.  We are all there.  

No one is not there. You might see a million candles there - each one representing the soul of another - but when we're all lit, the heavens are lit by us.  We are all one when we are our truest selves.  

That is peace.  Nothing the world gives us, could ever bring us peace and the road to this awesome awareness is usually cluttered with obstacles and challenges that could trip us up, and yet the Great Being, the Great Father, is calling and that little light within us is responding - all beyond our own will to respond.  We are responding, whether or not we realize this.  We are singing in the heavenly shower of light and love.  Some of us are very aware of this path we're on, facing the challenges and yet each slap in the face, turning the other cheek or getting back up on the horse after every tumble.

There is a point on this path when you look around and realize that if we are really all one, then "we" are one being.  Then, if we are one, then the entire human race, all of creation, is on this horse to heaven together and all the countries are like arms and legs of this one body.  And, since the path to enlightenment is marked by all kind of challenges, outward reflections of that inner journey, then we can see that all the wars in the Middle East and the churning struggles of almost every country in the African continent, and the obvious decline of the excessive materialism of the United States are all part of OUR journey toward ultimate being as One Being.

We have a long way to go, yet, obviously.  But, we're not forgotten or abandoned.  Our Great Father/Mother is well aware of our progress and can see the outcome in a way that we can't.  The end is guarateed.  We will prevail and we will grow up as a single Human Being, comprised of all of us.  We are all on the way together and for that I'm very grateful this morning.  

And, if there is one thing to remember on a very simplistic level it is that we are all part of this great One and so everything we think or do or react to will affect the Big Body of Us. Love of ourselves will be reflected somewhere in this global Self.  Love is the only medicine and yet that love is not passive, nor is it enabling , It is strong, determined, passionate and willing to go beyond anything we've ever known before.  But, our future begs us to do this, today.

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