Friday, May 3, 2013

A Wonderfully Wise Man

Everything in the universe constantly gives off an energy pattern
of a specific frequency that remains for all time
and can be read by those who know how. 
Every word, deed, and intention creates a permanent record. 
Every thought is known and recorded forever. 
There are no secrets; nothing is hidden, nor can it be. 
            Our spirits are naked in time for all to see -
everyone's life, finally, is accountable to the unvierse. *
- David R. Hawkins, M.D, Ph.D

The late David R. Hawkins was one of the world's most awakened, enlightened human beings in the good company of civilization's greatest mystics, saints and wisemen.  He left a considerable amount of information on consciousness rising and how a raised level of consciousness combined with your desired outcome, intention, actually causes that which is in your mind to materialize. 

By raising our consciousness level, we increase our power to attract our intentions into our lives.  Perhaps we always knew this, but the actual way to do it has eluded us or confused those who equated spiritual development with religion and thus were lost in the diverse methods promulgated by the many different world religions. 

Hawkins furthered the science of "applied kinesiology" as a means of determining the truthfulness and accuracy of a statement using muscle testing and a system of numbers from 1 - 1000.  He also used it as way of measuring levels of spiritual maturity (i.e. Hawkins himself was a 1000) It's a vast new science which measures an individual's level of  enlightenment using a "map of consciousness" which Hawkins developed.  This map helps those seeking to identify where they are on the consciousness rising scale and what is the next step. This method assists the spiritual seeker on the path to enlightenment. 

Hawkins' applied kinesiology identifies those who are destructive, harmful to life and those who are constructive, helpful. For example, those who are the least enlightened (and most destructive) are often immersed in heavy emotional turmoil or illness and are often angry, violent, selfish and untruthful and may score below 100 on Hawkins' map. Those who are loving and generous, patient and seeking enlightenment would show up higher on the scale at 500 or above.  Love's number is 500. Liberty, freedom and democracy score a 700 as does the United States' Constitution, Declaration of Independence and Abe Lincoln's Gettysburg Address.  We all land somewhere on that scale which is a powerful tool to help us grow up spiritually.  More information about this is in his book, Power vs. Force.

On this short You-Tube, whenever Hawkins mentions numbers he is referring to that scale.  His idea takes Lawrence Kohlberg's theory of moral development and Eric Erickson's scale of behavioral evolution to a whole new level.  This is only a tiny sampling of Hawkins' wisdom. There is much more available at Amazon, Powell's books, your public library and on You-Tube. 

Power vs. Force, p. 149; (Hay House, 2002)

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