Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Leadership follows its own heart song

As you listen to the song in your heart, the whisper in the back of your head and that subtle sense of direction in your intuition, you may find yourself headed away from the herd.   

You were born to be a leader. You were born with the whole universe of wisdom, intelligence, power right there inside you. You don't need to go looking for it from anyone else or anywhere else.  It's right there inside you. It came with your programming, like the software on your computer. It's your natural birthright.  

You are awesome, brilliant and wise and your destiny is waiting for your acknowledgement. Only you can give life to your destiny, your future leadership.  And, certainly, if there's one thing the world needs desperately today is some solid, confident and wise leadership.

Perhaps your soul is timid and reticent about following its own inner nudging.  Maybe it's afraid of where wisdom would lead it, what challenges it might have to face, what friends it may offend, what job it might lose. 

It's so much easier to just be a follower, rather than a leader.  Leaders have to be comfortable with unpopularity, rejection, ridicule, ostracization, even abuse, poverty and loneliness. Leadership demands that you listen to your own inner self, believe in what you hear and have the courage to follow your inner guidance regardless of what others may think.

While prophets and wisemen come to mind immediately, there are those less notable persons who sit up in trees for weeks or months protesting cutting down an indigenous forest, for example.  Or there's the person who won't eat meat - for reasons stemming from loving the animals to dietary concerns - or those who are willing to share why they won't eat meat at a meeting, or why they won't drink alcohol or smoke pot or take a high paying job at a corporation that utilizes cheap workers in the third and fourth world.

In the scriptures, we hear the instruction "to shout from the housetops what you hear in secret." But, do we?  Why don't we?

When you can answer that question, you're on the path to your destiny and the world will be all the richer when you take over the helm to your life as a leader.  

So, what are you waiting for? What is holding you back?  What are you afraid of? Real leadership demands a healthy self-determination and the courage reflective of your commitment to your own heart over the fear in the pit of your stomach. 

Which is worse, in those dark hours before dawn when you pace the floors of your home, living with the nagging awareness that you are not living the life you always dreamed of and that life isn't one of wealth or power or prestige, or the discomfort and challenge of stepping out into the unknown when you step off the treadmill of your life of comfort and conformity?  

Maybe you know your life was always supposed to be something else, entirely different.  Maybe not.  But, if you're reading this and something inside you is kind of nudging you, kicking you more likely, to make a powerful life change, then maybe you are a born leader and the world needs you to have the courage to be who you really are.

Meanwhile, don't think that nagging is going to go away.  It won't if you have a destiny to be a real leader.  It will wait until you're ready, when you've finally realized that only your own wisdom is the best path for you and there will be no peace in your heart until you put on your boots, pick up your sword and start down the road, whistling your own inner song.  

We're waiting for you.

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