Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Open invitation to love

Video: Syrian refugees in Lebanon

It's a small world, and what happens in one country impacts the whole world. While geographically we're all divided and subdivided, we are one people, one heart, one humanity.  We cannot ignore what is happening in one country.  It won't go away by itself.   

The children . . . the elderly. . . the sick . . . the poor . . . the hungry . . . all the people need love.  Their suffering is an open invitation to us to open our hearts wider and be more compassionate. Theirs is a sacred opportunity. Is it their fault they found themselves in a war zone?  Is it the children's fault? God is merciful. God is compassionate, and we are God's hands and feet. We cannot say we love God if we abandon others to the suffering that's abounding in our world.  Today, you can pick which country and which cause to lift up another's suffering.  It's everywhere.

This group, Medical Teams International, has a local headquarters in Portland.  I've been to their site, met Jeff Pinneo, and left with a heart overflowing with hope for the world, just because they are in it. They are passionate about helping those who need medicine and healthy life coaching the most.

And, so I share their light with you.

Here's their website: 

1 comment:

  1. This is a tremendous message that should inspire us to join this group assisting our sisters and brothers. I joined today and look forward to ways that I can reach out to others in need.
