Wednesday, December 2, 2015


The people who walked in darkness 
have seen a great light; 
those who dwelt in a land of deep darkness, 
on them has light shone.

Isaiah 9:2

The people living in darkness 
have seen a great light; 
on those living in the land of the shadow of death 
a light has dawned.

Matthew 4:16

An awakening is bursting across the planet.  It is birthing the long-awaited Golden Age. It is with absolute certainty that I write this to you this morning. 

This great birthing into the power and light of this global awakening is reflected in a million different expressions, and is called many things. For me, it is our birth into the light of Christ. The bride, who is the feminine and spiritual aspect of the divine, has heard our pain and is here now. We have collectively freed her from her long imprisonment by an abusive and unbalanced patriarchy. She is waking us up and together we are giving birth to a new earth.

When human beings finally find their enslavement unbearable, and rise up out of it, they attain a strong level of self-empowerment. That's the psychological language. The spiritual, which is far more powerful and true, is "The people living in darkness have seen a great light."

Nothing can push a butterfly back into its cocoon. You can't put a hatched chick back into its newly cracked-open egg. We are like liberated butterflies and newborn chicks. An enlightened person cannot go back into the dark. Once you are awake, you can't go back to sleep. We are being born into our realized, enlightened state.   

Once you have broken out of the prison of abuse or unconsciousness, you begin the road to healing and wholeness and nothing is the same. 

It's as if all our marbles, once tossed all over the living room floor by a mean playmate, are magnetically being drawn together into a single container. That is you. That's you when you feel your personal self-hood and your personal power. You feel invincible. It is the ultimate elation. That newly felt power launches you on a trajectory into the light. The love you feel propels you. 

What if we all came together joined in that experience, awareness and global awakening? Could we radiate this powerful love across the planet and heal our world?

I believe we are already doing this in so many ways, from climate control to an outreach to the poor and hungry around the world, prison reform, a loud international cry for an end to the oppression of women and children everywhere and in every way, the end to cruelty to animals, environmental remediation, a rise in organic farming, a call to end genetically modified agriculture and the use of pesticides, compassion for the immigrant and refugee, a more conscious choice for healthy food, fair trading, and overall a tidal wave of conscious consumption.

The awakening is flickering through the waning dark clouds of a receding age. It is shining waves of conscious compassion, shifting the planet into a more compassionate realm, a more feminine one that sees the earth as our mysteriously fertile, miraculous, and sacred home. 

Patriarchy, as we have known it, is on its death bed. The raw power of control, expressed outwardly as a judgmental god, is the unbalanced masculine principle which has viewed life in every manifestation as an object for its use, and abuse. It killed almost everything in its rage against life.

It is slowly giving way to the inner light of a feminine expression of unconditional love, and allowing. It is the Christ presence and the realm about which he taught us. The balancing of life is occurring, and that is the compassionate awakening.

Today, we are finally proclaiming "freedom for the prisoners, recovery of sight for the blind, and setting the oppressed free.  (Luke 4:18) and feeding the hungry, healing the sick, the aged, those who have been trapped in almost anyway, languishing in an inner darkness, an interior prison. This was Jesus' mission statement, and it was the long-awaited call down through the ages for his return. He is returning in our awakening, and spiritually drawing us up out of our dark interior oppression to the dawning of this new age. 

I also feel that as each one of us gets free, up and out of our inner prisons, we need to help others get free also. I think love is the way, rather than lecture, persuasion, religion. By being present with a heart of compassion, listening and acceptance, we help birth our world into this awakened stage.

I am sure the antidote to fear is love. The power of a freed mind is the only vaccine against an epidemic of hatred and anger.

Those who are stuck in the darkness, who have not awakened, have been steeped too long in that oppressive state of fear and terror, the raw power of a masculine judgmental god. Their awakening is overdue. They are late to the awakening, and have died in a sense. Life itself is only experienced in a state of freedom, in an awakened state. They need to be reborn. I certainly hope their awakening is imminent.  Who knows when one finally awakens from the darkness of power and control?

Awakening from the lower stages of oppression is an evolutionary stage we move through. It is an adolescence, a natural stage in our maturation process. It is what causes the ready-to-hatch chick to start pecking his way out of his egg shell. What if he couldn't get out? I wonder if that's what's going on with the terrorists, and all other oppressed peoples trapped in poverty, prejudice or whatever limits their freedom of voice, self determination, and suppresses their creativity, joy and spontaneity? 

The world has finally reached that stage where in unison, all those who have been oppressed, are breaking out of their coffins of pain. The awakening process is birthing them into a new stage of their lives.

The will to survive and thrive in life is an incredibly beautiful and powerful drive. It is the power of life itself, of God within and among us. However, it may be awhile before they move beyond the anger and grief of having been oppressed for so long. Once they do, the light will shine into their lives and the awakening will truly feel like joy. They will taste the sweet water from the living streams of true life and then everything they ever heard about the spiritual life will finally make sense.   

By offering a united presence of love, collectively, as a strong, and effective response to terror, we are bathing the planet with a highly dynamic and powerful counter-force to ISIL's anti-life, anti-Christ force. We are now standing tall and strong in our awakened state of knowing that we are love and will not allow anything to dissuade our Being Love. 

As we hold that vision, as a lamp within and before us, I hope we will remember and affirm this to each other. By sending our love out into the world, intentionally, we magnify its power. As we are reaching critical mass, which I think we have already hit, that love is now escalating into a magnificent global force that is changing the world. 

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