Jesus CHRIST said, It is I who am the light which is above them all. It is I who am the All. From me did the ALL come forth, and unto me did the All extend. Split the wood and there I am. Lift the stone, and there I am. Gospel of Thomas, vs. 77 In Aramaic, the language of Jesus, the word He used for Moses' 'Great I Am' (who we have called 'God') is Allaha, meaning the ALL. He used the relational term, 'the father,' to help us understand the loving intelligence of the Great I am or Allaha. You will see the similarity of Allaha to Islam's Allah. This seems to redirect western Christianity's understanding of 'the Father' as a god. Rather, the Father is not a singular god, but the ALL, the totality of all that is, unlimited, eternal, absolute consciousness and Beinghood, and clearly beyond our comprehension. The ALL has no name since the All cannot be contained or controlled. IT is also not to be worshipped as the ancient pagans worshipped a god. It is to be encountered, experienced, and engaged with our whole mind, heart and being.
Today, it seems the primary question to all of us at this point in our evolution - as a violent, confused and struggling civilization - is HOW do we recognize HIM / IT? It is always our nature to engage relationally with everything and we've always wanted to do this with the ALL. Were we misguided by the powers of this dimension and sidetracked due to that misguidance? Another question is, "Could it be possible that the violence exploding across the planet is a kind of birthing, transitioning us into a great global human civilization? Listen to your mind, sink into your heart, and wait, breathing in the silence. Wait until your mind is silent - for some of us that could be awhile. But, persevere. Do not bring petitions to the great ALL. Do not think of your needs or even the needs of your community, the world. Stop wanting, needing, desiring. Visualize nothing. Just BE QUIET in the presence of the ALL.WAIT, until the CHRIST presence moves across your heart, mind and maybe your inner vision. No one can tell you what it will be like for you, and no one can tell you how to prepare for the experience. You may not even recognize it. But, you will slowly feel something changing within yourself. Slowly, when you return to thinking of it, you'll realize you are also changing. You will begin to radiate the light of Christ, maybe even before you realize it. Because this is something you cannot control - it doesn't have a volume you can turn up or down. CHRIST love IS grace. It is the HOLY SPIRIT. It is LIFE itself. CHRIST was full revealed in the man YESHUA, and he taught us that He was sent to reveal CHRIST, mirror HIM to us at a dark oppressive time. CHRIST has returned and is now among us. HIS presence is here, waiting for each of us to commit our intention to finding, receiving him. He says to seek first 'his kingdom' which can be found in that inner silence. That is the one single thing that He promised would be granted to us as our request. He may not be found in your religion, your government, even your family's tradition. He is new everyday and waits on the cusp of your consciousness. Listen to your breath as you wait expectantly for HIM, and He will come to you as sweetly and softly as the morning dove.
"There is light within a man of light, and he lights up the whole World. If he does not shine, he is darkness." Gospel of Thomas vs. 24 "Split a piece of wood, and I am there. Lift up the stone, and you will find me there." Gospel of Thomas vs. 77 From fireflies dancing in the moonlight to forests scattered with magical mushrooms, all of life is alive and breathing with a delicate radiance vibrating from within. All of it is glowing, and not only these mysterious plants. Even sea urchins, man of war along the ocean shore, pearls and shells, and many species of salt water fishes, all radiate a translucent rainbow of inner light. In fact, all of life glows with the life-force itself. This luminesence is clearly visible to us - if we have eyes to see, ears to hear. I guess that means, it's all a matter of perception. And, maybe that's the whole point. Do we see this iridescence all around us, vibrating with a kind of universal huming, buzzing? If we can't see this, or hear this life - this breathtaking miracle right before us in which we're also immersed as part of it all in this garden, I think we have to ask ourselves why we don't. Is it we don't take time, value it enough to make time? Or, even if we made time, would we still not see / hear it? If that's the case, then why? It is heartbreaking that we're missing this incredible mystery right before us. It seems that's why we're here - to experience this magical place. And, too often we don't. If its a lack of perception, then we have to ask ourselves, what is blocking our perception? Psychologists say we don't really see with our eyes, or hear with our ears. We see and hear with our minds. Our minds tell us what is important to see and hear and what isn't. It's so deep within us that we do it automatically, even subconsciously. We all do. So, we're taught what to value and that's what our eyes see or look for. We also tune out the birds singing while we're watching TV. Oh, so sad. Have we been brainwashed to tune out the birds to watch the terrors on the news? Is getting to work, checking on the news, making and spending money - is all of that more important? If it is, then why? Have we sabotaged our power by closing our hearts with fear by aligning ourselves to this commercial, materialistic culture we live in at such an excruciating high price? Our power is in our hearts, which, when full of love, glows. I wonder if we could detach from our culture - be in it but not of it - we would heal our hearts and restore our power, and connect to life in a way we may never have experienced before? To be honest, I've been engaged in this deep reflection since I moved into this remote rural mountain community six miles from the nearest town. Here the sounds of the birds resound across the small lake. It would be impossible to miss the neighbor's rooster down the road. The horses, the cow with a new calf, the beaver in the nearby pond, the deer with her two fawn are all very present. Even more common sounds like two chipmunks sparing over a small pile of sunflower seeds or a squirrel running across the roof are loud enough to wake you in the middle of the night. The real world is loud enough if we are living with it, one with it. Before, we didn't know what we were doing. We were doing what we'd all been taught to do. We learned the rules from early childhood and, believeing we were doing what was right, we followed them, and still are following them. The problem with that is that we've been controlled by those early rules, which were set in motion since time immemorial. We are controlled by those every sort of authority figure, including hierarchies of power, and each is part of a larger system until you'll see the entire structure of our culture has a million interlocking pieces. It is a conglomerate that runs on our devotion and obedience to it, and it is anti-life. It is the ultimate lie and the ultimate con artist.that has seduced us away from what is real to an artificial edifice. It has been around for a lot of years and we have been feeding it for a long time. It set up a mind game of prey and predator - victim and victor. You get to choose which role you'll play, but both are equally controlled by the game. How do we get back to what is real - this beautiful life in this garden we live in? Challenge everything you think. Ask yourself why you're feeling as you are. Trace it to its source. When you begin to break free from control, you'll feel the chains by which it held you back. They feel like guilt, shame, and fear. When you feel those feelings you can know you're moving in the right direction. As hard as that may seem, you need to keep going. Rock the boat a little. Maybe together we can topsize it. When you think about what you're thinking about when those scary feelings rise up in your belly, you'll always find that the source is a controlling thought that has pretty ancient roots in your life. An old teacher from the third grade is still in your head as is that mean neighbor who yelled at you for picking his wild flowers. Judgment and condemnation are in the very air we breathe and water we drink, and yet none of it is love. It takes but gives nothing in return. We don't question it. But, we have to question it. We have to ask ourselves why we're judging, condemning, gossiping, saying hurtful things about people. We are only adding to the pollution of control that runs on judgment, condemnation and control. If we're going to break out of this collective mind prison, we have to not do as it teaches. Stop the competition to the top because you know, and i know, there's nothing up there. Eveything is down here, right here, around us all. If life is calling you into the moonlight on a soft summer evening amid the symphony of tree frogs and crickets; and if you can hear the morning doves in the early morning, then you are seeing and hearing rightly. If you hear it so loud that you find yourself completely surrounded and immersed in their world, then you're healing from the world's disease. Then you will soon see and feel the futility of the collective culture that has owned us. I wouldn't waste a single second lamenting what has happened to you - to us as a human race. I would just get up and get on with this new awesome adventure of perception. This doesn't mean we have to quit our jobs. It means we have to awaken our perception and then choose carefully how we want to spend out lives. In our perception a new awareness arises. Through it you just might discover the sheer delight of the beauty of life that is stirring around us in a way we never saw before. It is the creative mastery of a universal intelligence that breathes an exquisite love that so far surpasses any of the silly perverse romantic iimages pimped by the advertising and media empire to con us into giving them our money which we've sacrificed so much to earn. There may come a time when it will be unbearable to play the world's game anymore. There may come a time when we would rather sit in the soft damp moss-covered carpet of the forest and watch the deer, birds and squirrels, occasional timid racoon descend from his tree fort, and feel a sense of wonder and presence and oneness in the breathing of the forest. Then, for a moment, you may realize that you are part of this great life in this beautiful garden. You are in sync with it and you realize that it is in you as much as you are in it. Your perception has enlightened too, brighter than ever, and quite possibly you are as radiant as any fluorescence around you. And, you are.
Eyes to see, ears to hear, and an imagination to wander in, all brimming with hearts of love, fill the Earth with the lush, fertile abundance of life itself. We are so blessed to be alive, to witness the miracle of life within us, around us, in this dimension and throughout the millions of other dimensions that we can't see or fathom. Love is the brilliant and powerful creator of life itself, in every form it takes, in every dimension. It is the creator, and the created; the beholder and the beheld. Love infuses everything with an electromagnetic power. It is electric and magnetic, calling forth more of itself to itself, empowering our thoughts and images in the imaginal realm and birthing them out into our 3D realm. Our dreams grow and emerge, gaining density through the power of our conscious intention, nurtured with faith in love's ability to do what it does - create. Love is the fertilizer in the Divine Parent's garden of life which includes all our creative dreams of the mind. Love fuels the dreaming and brings them into being when we believe in them, without doubting. The love in the lover is the artist who dreams and the singer is the siren song who calls forth all our dreams into life itself.