Friday, August 19, 2016

The Light is among us

 Jesus CHRIST said, 

 It is I who am the light which is above them all.  
 It is I who am the All. From me did the ALL come forth, 
 and unto me did the All extend. Split the wood and there 
 I amLift the stone, and there I am.
                                 Gospel of Thomas, vs. 77

In Aramaic, the language of Jesus, the word He used for Moses' 'Great I Am'  (who we have called 'God') is Allaha, meaning the ALL. He used the relational term, 'the father,' to help us understand the loving intelligence of the Great I am or Allaha. 

You will see the similarity of Allaha to Islam's Allah. This seems to redirect western Christianity's understanding of 'the Father' as a god. Rather, the Father is not a singular god, but the ALL, the totality of all that is, unlimited, eternal, absolute consciousness and Beinghood, and clearly beyond our comprehension. 

The ALL has no name since the All cannot be contained or controlled. IT is also not to be worshipped as the ancient pagans worshipped a god. It is to be encountered, experienced, and engaged with our whole mind, heart and being.

Today, it seems the primary question to all of us at this point in our evolution - as a violent, confused and struggling civilization - is HOW do we recognize HIM / IT? It is always our nature to engage relationally with everything and we've always wanted to do this with the ALL. Were we misguided by the powers of this dimension and sidetracked due to that misguidance?

Another question is, "Could it be possible that the violence exploding across the planet is a kind of birthing, transitioning us into a great global human civilization?

Listen to your mind, sink into your heart, and wait, breathing in the silence.  Wait until your mind is silent - for some of us that could be awhile.  But, persevere.  Do not bring petitions to the great ALL.  Do not think of your needs or even the needs of your community, the world.

Stop wanting, needing, desiring. Visualize nothing. Just BE QUIET in the presence of the ALL.WAIT, until the CHRIST presence moves across your heart, mind and maybe your inner vision.  No one can tell you what it will be like for you, and no one can tell you how to prepare for the experience.  You may not even recognize it.  But, you will slowly feel something changing within yourself.  Slowly, when you return to thinking of it, you'll realize you are also changing.  You will begin to radiate the light of Christ, maybe even before you realize it.  Because this is something you cannot control - it doesn't have a volume you can turn up or down.

CHRIST love IS grace.  It is the HOLY SPIRIT.  It is LIFE itself.  CHRIST was full revealed in the man YESHUA, and he taught us that He was sent to reveal CHRIST, mirror HIM to us at a dark oppressive time.

CHRIST has returned and is now among us.  HIS presence is here, waiting for each of us to commit our intention to finding, receiving him.  He says to seek first 'his kingdom' which can be found in that inner silence. That is the one single thing that He promised would be granted to us as our request.

He may not be found in your religion, your government, even your family's tradition.  He is new everyday and waits on the cusp of your consciousness.  Listen to your breath as you wait expectantly for HIM, and He will come to you as sweetly and softly as the morning dove.

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