Wednesday, August 29, 2018

I am LOVE (and so are you)

As we emerge from centuries of darkness, we are rediscovering what previous civilizations may have known. Yet, tragically, what they might have known did not save them.  They perished about 12,800 B.C. in a global deluge, caused by three meteors splashing down in northern Canada. The meteors burst through a slowly melting ice age, flooding the planet to the tops of the Himalayan mountains, the Great Western Rockies and sinking ancient Indian temples, whole cities, pyramids erasing almost all traces of an enlightened global civilization.  

Yet, ancient messages lingered on pyramid walls, in cryptic Sanskrit, Hindu legends and in the well known ancient myths of a global flood retold in the Sumerian Epic of Gilgamesh, Noah's Ark and other indigenous cultural legends throughout the planet.  Almost every culture has a flood story.  Today, it's well documented through scientific testing there actually was a global flood.  

As we continue to find ancient civilizations sleeping underwater off the coast of India, the Philippines, even pyramids in Antarctica and so much more, we're realizing our ancient ancestors knew something we've lost and are just now rediscovering. (See Graham Hancock's Underworld for the awesome details about this.) But, the question is, "What did they know that we don't and could it help us?"

Rather than dive into a long discussion about what went wrong as we began to recover a thousand years after the deluge that drowned most of the planet, how we were misled by the dark control of abusive power throughout these long centuries since, I'd like to share a simple awareness that dawned in a conversation recently, which is clearly only the tip of the iceberg on this whole subject. 

There are so many more questions than answers about our prediluvian ancestral civilization, but we know some things that are both startling and illuminating. We know it was a global civilization, much as we are becoming now technologically.  We know there was a common language. Shattered remnants of that one language are hinted at in all our current world languages which share tiers from a common root language.  Most interesting is there is strong evidence this ancestral civilization was enlightened.  

Obviously, there is so much we may never know, but we are realizing they were enlightened and highly spiritual who used another means of communicating. Some of their legends did survive the great flood and are found in the ancient legends of India and many others.  We've attempted to trace the origins of those religions and there simply isn't one.  Today scholars realize their origins pre-exist the flood.  This is evident in the ancient Vedas, Yugas,  Sufi legends, Sumerian myths, Incan and Mayan South American myths and is even traced into Judaism which originated long later but still contains former oral traditions.  What these people were able to do is barely understandable today, yet we're starting to get it. It is reported that they lived exceedingly long lives.  How was that possible, and can we trust that information to be accurate?

Apparently, they communicated without technology through telepathy, ascended into other dimensions and seemed to have been peaceful, creative, compassionate and egalitarian.  There is every indication we honored our racial roots without prejudice, and those individual cultures flourished in radiant splendor.  There is evidence of an ancient religion in Africa which may have survived the great flood as the ancient Egyptian religion, which ended due to internal corruption.  

So, what is the big mystery they knew and we didn't for thousands of years since the demise of that ancestral civilization?

It's hidden in our DNA.  Apparently, we really have 48 chromosomes, pairs of 24, rather than the 23 that are "visible" to geneticists.  The 24th is invisible because it's multidimensional.  It's light vibrating at too high a speed for our 3-D vision to detect.  It's our "divine" gene, fully connected to, or part of, the higher order of timeless divinity.  Since every cell in our body is comprised of our DNA, apparently this invisible, yet illuminated 24th DNA molecule is also in every cell of our body.  It connects with all the other DNA creating an individual body of light, which is known as our "light body."  It is also believed to be able to connect through light resonance to all the other DNA on the planet! Also, our light body does NOT perish when we die.  Apparently, it continues to move into the higher dimensions, perhaps reaching "heaven," but let's not mix metaphors.

Scientists now know that material substance is condensed light which vibrates at a level our vision is unable to detect. So, we simply cannot see the light that is in everything.  

What if we bring into this equation the metaphysical knowledge that the highest level of enlightenment is the power in this light, which is part of and connected to the Divine source of creation and life which is right here in our human bodies? Then, we wonder what is this divine light within us?

I believe it is the power of "God" within us, woven into a beautiful radiant light body which is part of us and actually perfect, pristine and untouched by our less than loving, fearful and ultimately selfishly destructive egos. What if we could consciously tap the power of our light bodies?  Would we be more powerful, more creative, more loving?  I think the answer is yes, definitely!  But, how do we tap into it, how do we build a bridge to it?  

It seems we already are doing it but don't know it.  The clue is in Moses encounter with "God."  When Moses is told by God to implore Pharaoh to free the enslaved Hebrew people, Moses asks God who should he say sent him.  God replies, "Tell him 'I am' has sent you." Moses does as God says, and the world remembers the long legacy of the liberation of the Hebrews every year in Passover.

It is in that "I am" statement that connects the human being with their divine power, which is God within, the creative life force within, who is knowable, relational, ultimate Being and ultimate Self.

So, again, I thought about all the "I am" statements we hear every day, absolutely everywhere, and realized in our innocent ignorance we were damning ourselves.  How many times do we hear people say, "I'm broke.  I'm sick.  I don't feel well.  I'm unemployed, etc. ?"

If we know that our Creator is ultimate love who has poured creative light power into us right down to our mitochondria, who has also warned us not to create using empty words ( aka "speaking falsely, bearing false witness, or worshipping idols - which are empty powerless wordages")  then, we need to be mindful of our intentions and use of words.  

I also wondered further how we could connect with our inner power, our light body, and help it glow brighter, powerfully illuminating our bodies, our lives, our families, communities, our world,  transforming everything and lifting us into a place of power and a creative ability we have never known this side of the great flood.

If it's through "I am" statements that Moses could defeat Pharaoh, then the answer is in the "I am" statements.  Suddenly, it was obvious, staring me right in the face.  What if we became conscious of what we said?  I realized if we spoke a silent mantra to ourselves of "I am LOVE"  (realizing everyone else is also) holding that awareness mindfully, vigilantly, constantly, maybe we could change and that change would be felt around the world.  Would our bodies heal, would our broken hearts heal, would we become more creative, healthy, powerful, more telekinetic?  

Absolutely!  We are love, all of us, right down to our DNA, and that love is distilled in us as light, a light so highly vibrational our 3-D eyes can't see it, but our DNA can.  And, further, we can control the quality of that light, turn it up or dim it, increase our creative power or diminish it.  We have that ability if we choose it, if we intend and will it.  The key is in our will.  

I think this was one of the great mysteries of our ancient ancestors,  There's more, so much more, but this starts us on our path to enlightenment and healing our world. It's what the ancients would want us to grasp to survive our own miscreations.

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