Sunday, July 28, 2019

A new hope dawns

You have no need to travel anywhere.  
Journey within yourself,
enter a mine of rubies and bathe
in the splendor of your own light.
 - Rumi

The times were a-changin' when Bob Dylan* sang to a whole generation awakening after the Second World War.  Today, the times have changed. 

While we continue to pick up the pieces of a fallen cultural empire, the revolution is complete. An ancient religious hierarchy which had controlled the western world is crumbling and now revealing a truth unseen in 20 centuries. Today its once suppressed and hidden message has been discovered revealing a timeless truth with unimaginable power in the daylight of our new age. 

When Dylan sang his prescient lyrics, the country was immersed in a counter-cultural call to end a bitter, ruthless, immoral and illegal war.  Courageous college students around the country stood up (well, actually sat in) to protest the war.  In their righteous call to end the war, they ripped off the government's covert political agendas revealing an astounding level of corruption. As they tore down systems of national and international exploitation, they effectively left no stone unturned.  Everything from national and foreign political agendas, health, environment, education were scrutinized and challenged.  No sacred cow was left unexamined.  

Then, as if heaven itself was herding the rebellious generation's mission to find light in the darkness, the Nag Hammadi, which had been found in the desert in 1947, was translated from Coptic into English. The translation shocked the Christian world.  It shed truth on the last remaining untouchable system of control - The Church. The authentic and original teachings and ministry of Jesus was revealed and is anything but what the church had taught over the centuries. 

In fact, it seems the church had gone to great pains to hide the truth.  It had effectively crucified Christ's teachings so badly that when the post-war generation began exposing its errant systems, the church began to lose its ability to guilt and control the masses, leaving a spiritual vacuum in the wake of its fall.  

Dark angels took hold in the decades that followed as the next generation staggered and stumbled in a spiritual void. Slowly and persistently, many continued to seek the truth amid the ruins of a theologically fallen spiritual empire only to discover -while the truth was hidden - it was always there. 

As the image of  the Good Shepherd painted on Catacomb Walls, where once persecuted Christians hid from their Roman oppressors, Christ stands in broad daylight and in full power to gather the people of the earth together in love and in power. (The irony is not lost on those of the new revelation and only drives home the ancient truth that what was hidden in the dark would one day be revealed in the light.)  

The Good Shepherd still lives, and delivers a message which resonates around the world in alignment with those of other ancient faiths.  Today, as the earth is hurtling on a collision course to self-destruction, if the world now has ears to hear and eyes to see the power in this spiritual truth tragedy may be averted.

The following is from the Gospel of Thomas, verse 3, in the Nag Hammadi:

"Jesus said, If those who lead you say to you, 'See, the kingdom is in the sky,' then the birds of the sky will precede you.  If they say to you, 'It is in the sea,' then the fish will precede you.  Rather, the kingdom of God is inside of you, and it is outside of you.  When you come to know yourselves, then you will become known, and you will realize that it is you who are the sons (and daughters) of the living father.  But if you will not know yourselves, you dwell in poverty and it is you who are that poverty."


Bob Dylan's The Times are A-Changin:

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