Sunday, January 31, 2010

Run, Pass and Win


Life's a team sport and we play all positions.  There will be days when you make the passes, days when you get your team to the 22 yard line, times when you fumble the ball and days when you touchdown.  

Shakespeare said life's a stage and we're merely players on it.  I would add that life is a Superbowl and we each have a position in the game and while we do play to win, it's the playing itself that makes it a great game. While the win is awesome and the lose disparaging, the game goes on and how we play the game makes all the difference in the end. Life is fair, regardless of what some say, and there are rules - universal rules.  One of the rules is to stay aware and move together as one.

While we are all in the game, playing various positions, each trying his best to win, we are also all playing our own specific position, positions we've trained for, we're familiar with and we even think we're good at - good enough to play for an NFL team, good enough to play football with the big guys. 

As you run, see the layout of the field, know where your team is, where the other team is, and keep your eyes on the end zone.  Keep your eyes focused on where you're going, run fast and run hard. 

But, each player knows one thing for sure.  A guard isn't a center.  Each man has his place in the game and if he plays it well, passes to his team member, watches, catches and runs, he can take his team to the end zone, touchdown and contribute to the big win. The team is only as good as the individual players ability to play well, cohesively, together on the field. 

While the individual players are each only as good as they've trained to be,  a team is only as good as how well it plays together. If they move as one man, watchful, careful and aware, then a clear shot at a win is within sight. The game is won play by play, yard by yard, but always moving together toward that touchdown. 

The cohesion of a team is welded together by the individual connections among the players with each other.  Each one builds a bond with another player until all the players are bound together with a common goal in sight.  I think the team loses - not when the score is down - but when a player is traded off the team or a player is down.  On my scoreboard, the real lose comes when the matrix of the team is torn, and the group's unity disrupted.

Look around now.  What game are you playing and what is your goal.  What would be a win? Who's on your team, where are you going together. How well are you playing your position and how well are you playing with your team.  It's not each man out for himself. There's no time for competition among your mates.  There's no time to second guess your moves.  Just go for it, reach with all that's in you and keep on going with all the gusto you've got. Trust your team members. Trust the cohesion. Together you win, but really, the competition is not the other team.  You are your own competition.  Remember, focus on your position and compete only against your own weaknesses.  Keep your eyes on your strengths and use them for the team.

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