Monday, March 22, 2010

Pipe dream

What if we lived to be 200 years of age or even longer? 

What if when a baby is born, the parents taught the child that he or she would live to be at least 200?  

What if we found some ancient scroll rolled up in an old earthen jar, buried in the desert somewhere, dating back 3,000 years?  

What if that scroll told us that loving would cause us to live very long lives?

What if only the good people, truly loving, unselfish, humble lived long lives?  

What if the scroll told us that there is something alchemical about love and that it, in itself, produces a unique hormone in the human body that actually suspended aging and consequently allowed us to live very long lives?  It wouldn't mean that unloving people would be punished for their unloving ways, but they would not access that special anti-aging hormone and consequently wouldn't benefit from its anti-aging characteristics. 

What if everybody knew this secret and knew that if they acted cruely, selfishly, cheated people, and didn't share their food, water, or whatever else they had, their bodies wouldn't produce that hormone and not only would their spirits drop and they'd feel sad, but they wouldn't live very long? 

It's a nice idea, you say, but there are 6.8 billion people on the earth and if we continued to reproduce at the rate at which we do, like rabbits in mostly third world countries, and no one died, then the planet would be overwhelmed with human life.  Right, that would be true.  

Yet, on the other hand, as the world stands today - how many of those 6.8 billion act lovingly toward others? It might mean that the unloving people would die sooner leaving only the loving people remaining.

Well, what if it's true - that love makes us live longer; and hatred, jealousy, greed and pettiness shortened our lives? It would mean that people would be especially motivated to share their property with the poor, help others, love their neighbors, fill their own spiritual wells with the love of  life, God, Source, whatever you call our creator.  It would put a reward system on love and we all know that humans respond very well to a reward system. Personally, I think love is its own reward, so even if "the good die young," as Billy Joel sang, I'd opt to die young and be loving, rather than live long as an oppressor. But, a world full of wise, loving people is a wonderful thought.

Well, we found that scroll and that's what it says. Those who love, live longer than those who don't.  When the entire body is resonating in love, vibrating in the higher energy field of love, it is being nourished by the same creative power, the vibration of love, that creates life and apparently sustains it.  So, if we choose to act lovingly toward others, share our goods with others, live more simply so others can live, we do in fact live longer lives.  

If we choose to eat more consciously, eat closer to the earth, not slaughter animals so we can eat, when we can eat other foods for our nourishment, we will be healthier.  

If we choose a more contemplative lifestyle, filled with long hours of love from the holy encounter we achieve in meditation, and share that love with our mates, we will be filled with (and transformed by) love and the creative life source.  If we live selfishly, eating and drinking things and living in ways that destroy life, we lower our personal spiritual vibration, we lower our own quality of spiritual life, we dim our soul-light and shorten our lives.  

While there may be some truth that longevity is determined by genetics, regardless, if you pollute your body and your soul long enough, it will cease to thrive and to live.  On the other hand, if you live a clean life, body and soul, loving others, loving life, choosing joy over drama, peace over conflict, and reach always to love and serve your soul rather than the addictions in life that tempt you away from self-control, you will live longer.

Now, imagine this on a global scale.  We would need less stuff, share more of what we have, eliminate sickness, long suffering in old age, exploitation of the Earth, or proliferate economic/political/religious systems that oppress and marginalize people.  Maybe we would live to be 200 and maybe the next generation would live even longer. Maybe wars would stop.  Maybe people would share.  Maybe people would honor their communities and use some conscious restraint in reproducing.  Maybe we would restore Eden. Maybe people would forget what anything other than love is. Perhaps, that's the New Earth, prophesied in John's Revelation. Maybe a lot of things would change, for the better. Maybe it's worth a try. 

Who says we have to live like we're dying?  Perhaps, we could live like we're alive for a very long time and make choices that would sustain us for long lives and ensure a beautiful planet and world in which to live and love in, for a very long while. 

Now, put that in your pipe and smoke it and let the smoke wrap around the earth, up to heaven and back, giving humanity another chance at this life. Maybe we can do this.  Maybe we will. 


  1. What a concept! Reminds me scientifically of natural selection and its effect over generations. And biblically of those ancient peoples purported to live hundreds of years..... Thanks for posting.

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