Saturday, July 30, 2011

You are loved

(This is a reposting of a blog that I ran a year ago.  I felt like re-running it with some changes.)

There's a scripture that I love and I want to paraphrase it so you can receive the full bouquet of love that's in it for YOU.  It begins like this, "For God so loved the world that he sent his son" (our brother) ... to tell us how much God loves us and that under no conditions whatsoever would that love ever be dimmed, darkened or diminished.

In our world, all economies are based on marketing commodities and everything has a value measured against its worth on that common exchange market. That ideology applies to everything in life until everything is viewed as an object to be bought/sold.  This idea has also seeped into our false sense of personal worth.  We have come to even see ourselves as objects, images -  not people with eternal souls.  

To be very blunt, we have all prostituted ourselves to be accepted, valued and successful in this sadly overly materialistic world.  Even while the economy is dropping before our eyes, people are still going to the gym, hair salons, diet centers; even while children in Somalia* are dying from lack of water, people are still thinking about their personal images.  That travesty, in my opinion, is because people don't know God's love for them.  They've traded that awareness - if they ever had it in the first place - for the world's love, which is always passing away.

Unconsciously or perhaps consciously we have come to think that for someone to love you, you must be either wealthy, powerful, beautiful, "built," cool, classy, and awesome in some capacity in some category.  Ideally, you'd have a job, or at least a good reason why you don't have a job, a talent, a skill, a fun-loving personality.  If you're boring, well, you're a loser, right?  Oh, so wrong!!!!

There are those among us who have been gifted with the sensitivity to "hear" or "see" those divine messengers whom we have called angels or ascended masters. Those beautiful heavenly beings are always saying pretty much the same thing to us, and that is that we need to not be afraid and realize that we are loved, immeasurably beyond our ability to understand or even receive that love.  In fact, their messages to us is for us to open up our hearts and minds and receive that love.  I wonder if the problem for us, on a deep level, is that we don't really believe that we are that lovable.  In fact, on some level, the world has taught us that we are "sinners" bad, wrong somehow fatally flawed. How sad that the church taught that for 2,000 years and really turned Jesus' message upside down. 

We don't believe we are lovable due to the programming we received throughout our lives, that negative feedback we received from parents, teachers, peers, employers, everyone else who lives within the world collective mindset of judgment, punishment and criticism, always trying to fit into the world's definition of normal or successful.  

When we do finally get the message, as many have lately, that we are loved, we may understand this intellectually; but, allow this knowledge to sink all the way down through the layers of false information to the deepest recesses of our souls, is quite another thing. We have been enslaved by the status quo for our entire history on Earth and as much as we'd like to step out of that leg hold trap, we can't.  We keep slipping back under its control.

I want to say a couple things about all that. The first is, because those sensitive souls have been able to receive the messages from the divine that we are loved, that message is applicable to YOU personally as well as to everyone else.  If you have ever read that you are loved, if anyone has ever told you that, even if you're reading it for the very first time here, it is no accident that you happened to come across those words, that concept.  It was intentional.  God so badly wants you to know this, that S/He will do almost anything to get the idea to you.  

You might casually pick up a newspaper to read about the debt ceiling debate in Washington, DC, and your eye might catch an advertisement next to the article, you might read it and a thought to check out its website which leads you later to go to Google and you mistype the web address and it takes you to an odd New Age blog and there you happen to see a pretty picture of a sunset and over the picture are the words, "God loves you with more passion, more intensity, more completeness than you could ever possibly imagine."  

Don't you know that those words are there, scrawled across that picture just for YOU.  Nothing is an accident.  It doesn't matter how you learned the message, who told it to you, where you read it.  What matters is that you hear it, read it, learn it, study it, and allow it to totally change all that inner spiritual programming and wiring you have that has led you to believe that you are only a commodity, based on your productivity, beauty, power, wealth, education, even physical or intellectual awesomeness. You ARE already awesome just because you were born - not based on anything YOU did, but because you are a powerful, spiritual being designed to co-create with our Great Creator.  You need to realize this, you must realize this.  Time is too short to postpone accepting this new awareness even for one more minute. 

This is the message Jesus came to tell you.  It's really that simple.  The second message, inherent in the first one, is that God loves YOU and everyone of us totally, completely, fully and exactly the same.  S/He does not love Mother Theresa more than Hitler.  WOW!  right?  Can you get your head around that one?  

The difference is that Mother Theresa knew that God loved her and wanted with all her heart, soul and life to share God's power and love with everyone, especially those who were unable to feel lovable due to poverty, disease and limited programming by the world in which they grew up.  

Hitler was just the opposite.  He did not know that God loves us unconditionally just as we are. In his absolute total blindness did not love - himself or anyone - and that dark void within him, where the awareness of God's love could commune with his human soul, grew in darkness into a huge empty hole.  

We are so powerful and that power is fueled by our consciousness, which can freely choose to either create or destroy.  When you realize, accept deeply and completely into your consciousness that God loves you and that you are lovable just the way you are, something inside you opens. Perhaps it's that narrow gate. I'm not sure what you'd call it, but something inside you lets go of your need to protect yourself. You release the controls, you have been holding onto with such fierce determination out of fear and allow that door within to swing loosely on its inner hinges. Then, to your sheer joy and amazement, the power of God's love slips in, flooding your being with joy, peace, creativity, ingenuity, and the power to love - yourself and others.  

Once you have done this, once you are filled with God's power, that power has a life of its own.  It wants to build connections, synapses or little bridges across which God's love can flow from you to another and to another, sort of like holding hands spiritually with you and others, until, if you can imagine, we are all of us, the whole humanity, the whole planet, holding hands and allowing God's love, God's power of creation, to flow across, in and through all of us.


Top picture designed by the author

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