Friday, December 10, 2010

Sudsing away window stains

Lately I've become increasingly aware of the power of human consciousness to effect changes - either for the better or the worse - in our lives.  It seems that what we see or what we choose to focus on, receives a full blast of creative power from our conscious, or intentional, mind.  Just by looking at something empowers it. Even it it's just a thought about something, by focusing on it that thought grows in intensity and is empowered to manifest whatever it is.

In short, what we focus on, think about, dream about, wish or pray for gets empowered simply by the power of our focused thought. So, if that is the case, which lately scientists are asserting, then it would seem that everything we dream about would poof! appear out of the blue.  Why doesn't that happen?

It seems that our inner window is blemished by blocks of uncertainty, unworthiness, unbelief - all thieves stalking and stealing our lives' best hopes and dreams.  Any kind of abuse - and you can decide for yourself what you might call "abuse" - has placed some kind of film over your interior consciousness lens.  Any cruel, disempowering and mean words or act of prejudice, leave a smear or streak across your inner lens and has also programmed your inner mind on a deep unconscious level that serves to both block the intensity and power of your consciousness to create and has left an undermining program that sabotages your power to achieve your dreams and goals.  

Clearly, this is all on a subsconsious level.  Who would intentionally usurp his own ability to create and manifest in his life all that his heart and mind can dream of?  The human being was designed to be a creator and anything within us or around us that usurps that ability, diminishes it in any way is uncreative - or otherwise is destructive, which in plain language might be called evil, it seeks to diminish your power and subvert your power for the purposes of another who has not accessed - tapped - his own power and would steal yours.  This is the typical power paradigm of prey and predator, victim and abuser.

So, since this scenario is true for everyone on the planet in some way, it doesn't serve us to point fingers at whomever we may think once abused us.  That is simply wasted effort. Rather, it is best to forgive both the log in our own eye as well as the log in the others' eye.  The indignity once done to us was done also to them previously and the reverse is true. The indignity we inflict on others, the judgment we inflict on others, the cruel unkind thoughts we think of others, all stem from our own unwashed interior lens which is literally blinded to love by the dark smears of others' blind actions, once done to us.  Somewhere along the line, the blaming has to stop, and the cleaning up has to begin. 

The Judaic saying, "an eye for an eye" seems to ring especially true, but then Gandhi's thought, "an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind," leads me to think that the whole world is blind.  

How do I stop seeing my own fear, lack of trust, lack of honesty, even lack of dignity in my assessment of another?  If I think that someone is untrustworthy, isn't it because I am sensing my own sense of being untrustworthy and projecting it onto the other?  Am I not viewing another child of God through my own clouded lens, clouded by the stuff that darkened my own interior lens and innocence previously?  Yes. Sad, but true.  

All our reactions to others come from interiorized data left there by the abuse of others which we now blindly allow to inform our thoughts, dim our consciousness and forfeit our power to create, to love, to heal and limit our magnificence.

To look again, think again, see again, love again, hope and trust again requires that we forgive ourselves for what we think of others.  When we forgive someone whom we think has hurt us, betrayed us, stolen from us, injured us in some way, we forgive those who in the past may have done that to us, and we wash our interior windows, those windows with which we see into another's sacred soul.  If we can't look at each other in the purity of truth and love, trust and hope, all framed in forgiveness and total acceptance, then we cannot see the Christ who lives even beyond them.  Also, Christ's divine light, love and power cannot shine into our minds, our lives and our world. unless we first wash the stained windows of our hearts and minds and free ourselves from all that has gone before. Forgiveness suds the window washing.

As in all things in our lives, this is again a choice.  It may begin with a choice to love regardless of what we see, feel or hear going on before our eyes.  It may ask us to stand in our own space of peace and love when someone is swearing at us, cursing us, accusing us, and radiate back to that person the love that we have chosen to offer in every thought, breath, word and action.  Each time we choose not to react, but to respond with patience, peace and love, even hope and offer an inner prayer for that person or situation, we wash away more stains from our inner lens and consequently increase the power of our inner consciousness to effect and create a more perfect life, along with all our own dreams for our life.

We also improve our own ability to experience the light of Christ in our own lives.  If we all did this, if we all choose to love, to forgive and to believe the best of ourselves and each other, overcoming every temptation and obstacle to this through a conscious intention to forgive - ourselves and the perceived offender -  we would increase our potential as creators and grow closer and closer to the magnificent beings we were born to be.

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