Friday, September 16, 2011

Calling forth the dream maker

A dream is a big wish filled with enthusiasm, determination and faith.  You have dreams for yourself, your life, your family, your work.  We all do.  Sometimes in life, unbeknown to us, are some little dream sabateurs that sneak in and mess with our plans, trip us up on the way to the finish line.  Those little demons, for lack of a better word, are the gremlins, the bugs, in our inner programming.  

If our conscious minds are like a smooth running computer, then these "bugs" are like those little viruses that a computer picks up over time that slow it down or even cause it to malfunction altogether.  Well life is like that.  If we need to clean up our computer occasionally, then we would also need to clean up our minds, our subconscious, where in the dark and murky parts those little dream-eaters live.  I guess it's simple, really, to get rid of them.  Turn on the lights, seek out where they nest, and then sweep them out.  But, can we do that?

We only may know that we have a dream, a big dream, a very important dream, and as we reach for it all kinds of things happen over which we think we have no control, things that seem to block it.  Since those strange things seem to come out of nowhere, we can see - eventually - that we don't have any control over them.  But, there is One who does, who cares, who genuinely loves us and wants our dreams to come true for us.  S/He is always present, always aware - far more aware than we are - and waiting all the time for the invitation from us to help us with our mind debugging. 

A few weeks ago, I posted that beautiful Hawaiian prayer, the Ho'ponopono which - you may have discovered by now - really works.  I have found it to really work - to move traffic along, to heal a friend of a nasty rash on her arm, and other things.  So, that helps prove my point, that we have available to us unseen spiritual resources who are more than happy to help us succeed, gain empowerment, wake up, climb all the mountains and conquer the obstacles on our path to our dreams.

And, there's more.  We can ask God to look at, to see all those inner sabateurs - even if we can't see them - and in His powerful sight they are transformed by the light and transformative power of his looking, his seeing.  

I recently learned a beautiful prayer which is simply a heartfelt desire to let all that is holding us back, controlling us, blocking us, sabotaging us to "be seen by God."  When I first heard this prayer, it seemed odd.  I've always thought that we needed to know what we were asking for, but in this case, it is a complete surrender to God, a complete and total invitation to God to help us where we most need help, especially those dark corners, those blind spots in our heart and mind which we cannot see directly, but which we can see are somehow blocking our dreams from coming true.

Life is a partnership - us and God.  We cannot accomplish great things or live a masterful life without God, or whatever name you give the great Creator and Lover of your soul.  While we are surrendering to God by saying, "Thy will be done," we are also inviting God to illuminate the darkened corners of our subconscious minds where these dark negativities reside and transform them into "energizer bunnies" to help run the dream machine.

Only God can see what we can't see.  There are times a wise friend or counselor can see what we can't see, but many of us aren't able to go see a counselor. But, God, the great physician of our souls, is always there, every minute of every hour, always waiting, always loving and always willing to help you.  

Our great beloved also waits for your invitation to allow him to "see" for you and in his seeing - the very act of divine sight - will transform the darkness into light, bring life where there was death, hope where there was despair, faith where there was doubt and in no time, rejuvenate your heart and mind, empower your dream and put you on the path to greater joy, hope and success.

I share this with you because I also have a big dream.  Tiger Lilies is part of it, but there is more to come - much more - and I invite you - and God - to be part of it.  In the next few weeks, I will begin sharing more about that dream with you, but first I invite you, to invite God, into your hearts, dreams and plans so your own dreams can begin to bloom.

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