Monday, January 23, 2012

Creating the masterpiece of your life

You are a master creator.  You are creating your life every moment of every day of you life using the power of your conscious mind. Whether or not you realize this, you are creating your life out of a blueprint embedded within your mind.  Maybe you are aware of the blueprint that you're working from or you are unaware.  I guess that's the whole point.  So the larger question is what blueprint are you working with?  Even that can be edited, redesigned, reworked completely to meet what kind of life you want to live.

If your life doesn't match what you really would like to experience, then you need to revisit that blueprint.  Did you design it?  Did you envision what you want?  Is it YOUR blueprint?  How intentional are you about creating what you see inside your mind?  Did you realize that thoughts of illness may actually lead to illness and thoughts of war make more war, poverty thoughts beget more poverty?  And, while you're thinking about what you're thinking about, double check your words.  Words are expressions of your thoughts, fears, dreams and feelings, as you know. You can listen in on your own thoughts but putting a filter on your words.  Feelings also will clue you in on what you're thinking about.  If you're feeling sad, for example, trace your thoughts back to that one thought that started the downward spiral and change it. This is where affirmations can be helpful.  Declare to your mind that you are in charge of things from now on and you'll have none of that negative thinking anymore.

Also, worry is nothing less than an obsession over what you are afraid of, of a feared disaster. You may be fueling the disaster through worry. Not only is worry a complete waste of time, it can sometimes be a self-fulfilling prophesy.  Perhaps, at best, its a kind of internal warning system. If you catch yourself worrying, try to steer your thoughts toward something beautiful, something calming and something that you would like to see show up in your life.  Try to be intentional about it and then add music and light to your dream, rather than your fear.

The more intentional, the more you focus on what you see in your mind and imagination, the quicker and more effective the results are. Can you see on the big screen in your mind pictures or images of what you would like your life to look like, what you would like to experience?  If you realize that your inner big screen has some things on it that you don't want in your life, change it immediately. 

Most of us have inherited a blueprint from a variety of different sources and never really questioned it.  First, we're working with hand-me-down blueprints from our parents who were themselves working from hand-me-down blue prints.  Then there's the overarching whole world blueprint which was designed by a bunch of old guys in the dark thousands of years ago who thought they were listening to God, but were instead listening to their fear.  They created blueprints based on fear, which kept us all safely in the cave, rather than out in the open, lifting up higher and higher on our bright, beautiful, creative balloons of insight and power, spreading our sacred wings of creation that honor our integrity as creative beings and our love of life, Earth and each other.  See the difference? 

We have all been created in the image of the master creator, and we know that the master creator is the Great Spirit of all creation.  As spirit, the master creator has also made us creative spiritual beings.  who create through our imagination. We are creators using our minds and imaginations as the paintbrush of our lives.  

If your life is full of joy and abounding in love, vitality and overflowing with friends and abundance - and only YOU can define what abundance is for you - you are using a positive blueprint.  For most of us abundance is health, energy, a sense of personal fulfillment in our work, an enriching love relationship with another and at least a couple close friends.  You could add to that an extended community of equally happy people, which could extend even further into your town, city, state, country and the entire world.  I know you would love for the children in Africa to have clean water, safe homes, loving parents and nutritious food.  Well, that's kind of a rough draft of a new blueprint.

The point here is you have to be sure that the blueprint you're working from is what you truly can claim as your own - even if it is borrowed from someone else.  Does it resonate with your own spirit and your own soul? There will be a thrill, an excitement about it, if it's yours and that excitement will add fuel to the dream, hastening its arrival. A lot of your real work will be in finding your dream, your vision for yourself - in all the large and small areas of your life.

Now, how does creation work?  First imagine on the inner canvas of your mind a picture of land for a small family farm.  That's a big dream, for sure.  But, let's just start with that because we can all see land.  In your mind, on the big screen of your mind, visualize a parcel of land.  See it.  Even paint it with some hills if you want hills, or a stream, if you want a stream, maybe add onto it some lambs, a red barn.  You get this.  Now.  Don't do anything to make it happen.  Don't call the realtor.  Just visualize it.  Now, add to the picture in your mind some light.  Like turn on the sun so the picture radiates.  Then, visualize yourself walking through the land, touch the lambs, open the barn doors.  Sit down in the grass.  Let the picture come to life and start to live in it, all in your  mind. Whenever you have some free time, go back to the painting in your mind and work on it a little more, as if you were a painter working on his canvas. 

There's one more step:  Hope and perception.  As a bright young man said to me yesterday, it's about perception.  As you live into this inner picture, you'll start to see it around you.  You may see a picture of a red barn on a sale ad or on a billboard.  You may see a picture of some land that looks just like the land you see in your mind.  Next thing you know, a friend calls and invites you to a bon fire out at his grandparents old farm.  And, there it is!  Incredible.  But, you still don't say anything.  You just marvel at this wonderful thing that's happening, but there it is!!  The next day, you return to visualizing your dream.  Now the dream is a bit more interesting because you're so excited that you actually saw it for real.  And, you're starting to believe this whole master-creator idea, which you might never have believed before.

Continue to hold the vision, see it, play with it mentally.  You could add some willow trees or a pretty house with a deck overlooking the stream.  Then, you're out driving and get a brain storm to drive through the countryside.  Your imagination is now bright with power.  You have to just see out there, what you're seeing in here.  And, then, there it is.  It's perfect.  Only this time there's a "for sale" sign on the property.

You call the realtor.  The realtor confirms the land is for sale and it's being sold by an old man who has to go into a nursing home and he's just happy that someone loves it.  You know you love it.  You know it's your place because you created it, even if it was there all along.  The realtor calls the old man, who wants to meet you.  When you meet, he looks like your grandfather who has passed away and you are awestruck at how right this all feels.

The old man says he'll hold the land contract for you.  There it is.  It's happened. 

See, that's how it works.  But that's a big example.  There are smaller ones.  Like, let's say you want to see a red rose and it's winter.  So, you do the same thing.  You visualize the red rose in your mind, see it very clearly.  Then, at some point that day, you will see a red rose.  It's a matter of perception, visualization, and faith in your own ability to create.  Sometimes, your conscious mind will actually create and sometimes your conscious mind will find.  That's not your business HOW creation occurs.  Your job is to create, believe in your creation, love it and truly focus on it with your conscious mind.  The rest is up to the Spirit who has given you this gift as your birthright.  

Once you get this idea, you can see how you could visualize peace in the world, food and clean water for the children, safe communities, peaceful conflict resolution.  It's endless what you can create if you choose the blueprint and work with it, intentionally, powerfully.  Now, you realize the importance of what's on your mind.  Are you going to mindlessly watch the news anymore and allow the painful images of war to be on your inner canvas?  Not if you don't want to see more of that.  So, be as careful about what goes into your mind as you are about what you put in your body.  Check the ingredients. 

Life is so perfectly interconnected.  Listen to your feelings because they also reflect what's going on in your blueprints.  Sometimes we have some old programming running an unseen inner blueprint that we need to highlight and delete, send to the recycle bin.  You have to listen carefully to your own programming.  Take control of your mind, your body and your life.  You are not beholden to anyone.  You are only beholden to yourself, to create the life you want and paint it in rich colors, passionate music, great friends, much laughter, as full of life as you can.  You can choose life, more of it and more of it, if you want it.  It's your choice.  Happiness is your choice.   

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the beautiful reminder! It USED to work for me..... I am sure it can again.
