Friday, May 11, 2012

A New Earth

What if you could see, really see with your very real seeing eyes, that you were standing in a pool of light, ordinarily invisible to your natural eyes, and that pool was as powerful as the substance of the most powerful battery in the universe?  What if you knew that you had the power in the stroke of a single thought to end all the heavy darkness now pervading your precious life and if we all concentrated together we could dispel the fear, pain, suffering all around the world?

If you knew that, because you could see and understand that the power was in that light you saw right there in front of you, then you would be very careful what thoughts you entertained.  The whole point is in what you believe. Because you don't believe, because you don't see, you are careless with your thoughts.  The whole world is. But, since we are only human beings with only a three dimensional sensory system, although a multi-dimensional sensory system remains latent within you, we doubt this and without faith, it remains out of reach.  

Maybe the spiritual life is like a marathon.  The more you work those muscles the more likely you are to win the race, or at least enter it and place in it.  If we step out in faith, believing - and teaching ourselves through repeated affirmations and hanging around with others who are also training for this heightened life experience, we are training our spiritual eyes to see and our inner authentic belief system to believe.  With the vision and the faith, I believe we can become more than we ever knew or dreamt.

Begin by dispelling all the negativity around you and buried yet in your belief system about yourself and everyone else.  Lose the prejudice, the fear, the doom and gloom.  Remember who you are. You are a wonderful human being, all of you are, we all are.  We all have to embrace that awareness and knowledge right now.  If anyone or anything, any government or religion, tells you otherwise, forgive them and embrace this new knowledge.  They are propagating the false teaching of false teachers. Although they are well meaning, they have not understood completely.

After a long and comprehensive study of the ancient, original, teaching of Christ and those of the Vedas and Yogis, this is the real truth.  We are immeasurably powerful but sadly we are unaware of our power. We must know that every thought we think has the power, even more power if we think of obtaining more power from the source of our power. 

Our great Creator has given us this power because our Creator has made us like him.  

Now, here's another thought that goes hand in hand with this.  Positively charged thoughts are more powerful than negatively (reductionist) thoughts. Positive thoughts expand while negative thoughts compress. Thoughts of love are expanding, allowing and creative.  Thoughts of selfish control are fearbased and are restrictive. If you watch the terribly sad news, and become sad yourself, your power diminishes.  The reverse is true.  If you give out of your abundance, in love and compassion, your abundance increases.  Positive, loving, thoughts and actions are like yeast in bread.  They cause the bread to expand and rise.

We're in a big mess here today on planet Earth because we forgot this and because well meaning folks have been stalked by those who would sack our power.  If we focused our positive thoughts, believing in the power of the substance in which we are immersed and know without a shadow of doubt that our creator wants us to be powerful, loving, creative and abundantly generous, we will increase our own abundance. We need to let go of the thought that it is more blessed to be poor.  It isn't.  That wasn't what Christ meant.  He meant he came to the poor to help them heal their minds and grow in their innate potential to be powerful.  He came to the poor to heal their poverty and free them from a mindset of powerlessness. 

In short, it's all a win-win. The more we give, the more we receive.  The greater, more powerful our creative thoughts, the more they grow in power.  We have to be careful about is our own motivations.  If our primary motivation is to be one with God, as God is already one with us and always has been, then God who is in us and around us and in whom we are immersed, will increase our power to attract more of what's on our minds. That may be happening already but since we've been careless about what's on our minds or going into our minds, we are getting - individually and globally - what we've been thinking about.  We need to manage our thoughts.  We need some serious mind management.

With the awareness, we will naturally be careful about our thoughts, guard our minds and realize that all stress is simply poor mind management as is all illness, poverty, powerlessness, despair, depression, anger, domestic strife, and even - and maybe especially - all reactionary gang and international warfare.

So, if you're not realizing all your dreams, take a deep breath, invite God into the situation, into your life, and think again.  Think as big as you can.  Dream as large as you can.  Use the whole world canvas, fill it with all the color, life, vitality and light as you can.  You are a divine creator so get to work.  Let's all get to work and recreate this earth with love and light and joy, love and power.

Claude Monet, "Japanese footbridge".

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