Thursday, May 3, 2012

Acending Age

Ascending Eagle / Águila en Ascenso \ by David Frank

All of you - every single one of you - are beautiful bright people of the truth. You have so much yet before you, so much to discover, so much power and vision to yet step into.Yet, even now, you are unaware of your grand natures and languish in your longing for life! Awaken and come out of your bondage to this dark age and place, this spiritual tomb which you think is life, trapped in all the depreciating value of life all around you, fueled by those who would hold you back, squelch your light, suffer you to endless agony as you slowly die from lack of God light. Release yourself from its control and courageously face whatever happens as you step outside the tomb.  Just leave it.  You have the power to leave it, now.

Bound and tethered by your fear, you are being held captive by an illusion that controls you, limiting your flight away to a greater, more magnificent experience of life, abundant and full, overflowing in the joy of a deep, pervading peace only experienced in freedom.  

All the spiritual masters and prophets have come and gone leaving with you one single message: only love is real and life emerges out of that love.  The universe is alive, Einstein said, teeming with the energy of life, sourcing from an unknown beginning and flowing to an unknown end.  Endless and eternal, this life that is everywhere and in everything, this ultimate intelligence and consciousness, is grace and love, kind and allowing, waiting for your awakening from the dim dungeons of fear and powerlessness, to cast creative nets of life and more life.  

Don't you know who you are?  You who were small and weak in your powerless prison cell are really beautiful beacons of light to your world. Can you for one moment hold the thought that you are powerful beyond measure, wise beyond your own knowing, creative masters of universal manifestation that would change your lives in an instant if you were not so chained and silenced by that fear?

"Only love is real," Neale Donald Walsch writes in his Conversations with God series. Fear is that heavy chain that locks you in powerlessness, blanketing and silencing your sweet soul song.  What if your soul were free?  Maybe you could imagine for a moment what it would feel like if you were free of the fear and worry. What if you changed your mind that you are not safe and that life is unkind and cruel and all is a pointless miserable endless agony of limitation? 

Fear is only "false evidence appearing real,." Walsch continues. You are safe.  You are powerful creative beings who can only live and breathe in freedom.  Peace is only experienced in freedom.  Love and life are only experienced in freedom.  Even if you are in a very real prison or oppressed by a political dictator or regime, or locked into a traumatic life experience - even then - you can free your mind.  In that freedom, you will reach for and find it is easily available, a new thought.  When you reach for that new thought, you will touch the reigns of your own soul.  Once your  mind is free and you choose what you will think, no one and nothing can control you anymore.  It is the beginning, the first step to freedom, to life, to truth, to abundant and real and eternal life.

If that all pervasive life force energy lying in potential throughout the universe is loving, allowing, and powerful, then that which would keep you silent and powerless, is itself terribly afraid of your ultimate awakening and is disowning its own fear by its enslavement of you.  In psychological terms, it has projected its fear onto you and you in your innocence, unwittingly have carried it. 

"Give to ceasar that which is ceasar's and to God, what is God's," Jesus said to those who asked him if the people should pay taxes.  Yet, that idea can apply to your fear.  Give it back to that which holds you down, keeps you away from life.  It is not yours to carry.  It is not even real, yet the experience of it is real. It feels real and that feeling is the chain, linkage to illusion. Your fear is not your fear, either.  It belongs to another who will not take responsibility for its own blind bondage. It is like an ignorant, lumbering entity whose own soul hunger feeds on your life force to feed its vacuous soul's rapacious need because it has lost its own connection to true life. 

You will be liberated from the fear that has held you from your life, all of your life, all of everyone's lives, distanced you from your own source of power, your own true parent who awaits your heart's return, when you see those shadows in your mind that hold you down are only phantoms in the night.  When you awaken and the light is turned on, you will see they were never there.  You only thought they were there, yet their control was real.  Too many years were wasted in that illusion.  

Love is the updraft that lifts you into freedom, unlocks your creative potential, allows you to mold life into your own joy and making and lifts you to life, as on the wings of an eagle.  Seek it and it will be found.  Reach for it, ask for it, and it will be provided.  It is waiting for your asking, for your invitation, and as you learn to liberate your own mind from the fear that has taken the whole world captive, you will find life and see something so beautiful you can't believe you never saw it before.  Then, the bird song will be heard, the flowers' fragrance will perfume your whole life and the sweetness of being alive will overcome you and in that moment nothing else matters.  You will have met life itself. 


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