Saturday, September 28, 2013

A new vision for our world

Sometimes the hardest thing for a person is to think a new way. We tend to want to solve our problems by redoing the past, expecting new outcomes, but always using the same original idea, the same formula.  Unfortunately, history has proven that doesn't work.  The dire situation in which the world is in today demands a new vision.  I think this film, "Thrive" may offer that new paradigm.

Life on Earth desperately needs an alternative to fossil fuel energy.  Recent reports indicate the planet's atmosphere is no longer heating up because the oceans are absorbing that man-made global heat.  But, tragically, the cost of that remedial oceanic absorption is increasing the acidity of the oceans which in turn is threatening all living species there. It also may be escalating the melting of the polar ice caps which could consequently shut off the jet stream which could induce an ice age.  (The jet stream warms the waters in the northern hemisphere of the planet, especially in the Scandanavian and United Kingdom regions.)

But, there is an alternative to the dangerous byproduct of carbon emissions causing the global green houses gases which are now being absorbed by the oceans and it's free and has always been there, almost waiting for our discovery - or rediscovery. 

As I write this, the world is continuing to compete for oil - in obvious and subversive ways, which has enormous consequences for every aspect of life on earth - politics, economics, health and including the most obvious which is environmental damage. Rather than continue to compete for oil, or use potentially dangerous nuclear energy, there is a new - or rather very ancient free available energy.  

As you will learn from this film, a naturally occurring universal kind of radiant energy has always been here.  The ancients knew about it and most likely used it during a very ancient golden age that once flourished on Earth.  If we look for clues to Earth's distant (prehistoric) past, there are clues in the most ancient yet still extant writings in the Sanskrit of a golden age and there is a "flower of life"*pictograph that points to an ancient design of that knowledge of "free energy" on pyramids and other ancient structures all over the earth. It was understood globally which in and of itself suggests there was once a global civilization.

This film brilliantly and thoroughly explores the  source, methodology and wonderfully exciting world-changing potential of that free energy along with a thorough expounding theory on the money brokers of the world's elite that has enslaved the entire planet.  

While you may have heard of free energy, to wrap your mind around what it is exactly may have been a challenge - almost like believing in magic - but this is science, pure science, and this film makes it understandable. 

The film is long - about two hours - but if you take the time to watch  it - a little at a time - you will find your worldview changed. You may even feel hope for our future. 

*This "flower of life" pictograph was named as such by Drunvalo Melchizedek in his "The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life" two-part series.  

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