Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Dollars for votes

It's long been no secret that our country has slipped under corporate control. When you unravel the unmitigated and limitless power of the corporation to not only invade third world nations, exploit their fragile economies, and ecosystems, destroy whole cultures in the name of economic growth, there is even something else perhaps more incidiousness. For the mainstream this has gone unchecked.  

Today there is a virulent, rampant situation that was unimagined by our founding fathers. It is the power of the banking system to support the wealthy, unblancing an egalitarian people-driven, people-based democracy. Warning against the dangers of a central bank to our fledgling democracy, Thomas Jefferson, feared a centralized bank would give the wealthy more voice, consequently undermining the voting power of the individual. Despite his urgent pleas urging our country not to allow the then Bank of England, unfortunately his warning went unmet.  The long term result has been a slow eroding of the original egalitarian vision for this national. 

Today, our government remains closed for business yet another day because two very strong factions in Congress debate an already legalized national health care policy. I wondered how our corporations had actually voted in terms of contributing who would comprise these two politial parties. Backed by corporate campaign contributions those elected are those very people butting heads this very day in Congress. Their decisions, or lack therof, will determine both the immediate future of our nation, and perhaps even the emminent future of the global economy.

The results were not what I thought I would find.  I expected to see mammoth campaign donations to the Republican party by big business, and lesser donations to the Democrats. I was surprised to find more was given to the Democrats. However, much of those donations were from people-based organizations which seemed to have more clout than the corporations. That was a relief. Maybe the system isn't as broken as I thought.  I hope this is the case. 

However, it was sobering to realize how much money is given to campaigns by corporations. It seems it's the dollar power of the corporation that is determining who gets elected and who doesn't.  It has almost become a situation that you really are casting your vote when you spend your dollar, perhaps even more so than when you actually vote.  This makes Jefferson's fear a reality.  The rich are the ones voting.  It's the board room, rather than the voting booth, that is determining who gets elected, not the old guy in the homeless shelter or the single mom in the suburb or even the millions of hard working, exhausted middle class Americans. 

Rather than a democracy, have we become a market-driven government? Are we now government of the corporation, for the corporation and by the corporation?  It seems we have is a corporate-heavy free market that drives our government, unbalancing the entire system.  Rather than a people-driven democracy, or even republic, we have a market-driven government chosen by the voting power of a corporate democracy rather than a people-based democracy.  With the passage of a law that recognized a corporation as a "person" with an equal right to vote as an individual, you are actually voting when you spend a dollar wherever you spend it. Clearly, only those who have dollars can spend them and the more you have, the more you spend.

Admittedly, I was uninformed on so much of this, but am making a point to wake up and become informed. There's no excuse for ignorance. Our free education system in our country was designed to create an informed population so their votes would be made from informed individuals.  In short, the hope was that the population would be wise enough and knowledgeable of the facts well enough  to make intelligent voting decisions.

Today, people snooze in front of their television whether or not they know it. because it is well known that the television emits alpha waves which induce a hypnotic state. Obviously, corporations know this and capitalize on it by running compelling, psychologically targeted advertising late at night, to hypnotize us and direct our purchasing choices.  Have we become a nation of zombies driven to participate blindy in a system that feeds off us and controls Congress and the world? I realize what this sounds like and you might even wonder why is something like this on a sweet little Tiger Lilies blogsite that purports to raise the spiritual consciousness of the masses toward enlightenment and ideall closer to a collective ascension?

The first rule of life is to become free of any oppressive forces, toward autonomy, self government and the total liberation of the human spirit.  The story of Moses leading the people out of Egypt is the archetypal story for the human race.  Jesus build his entire spiritual liberation on that archetypal story.  Today, we need to follow that story line to the next level.  As long as we are trapped in the matrix - so to speak - we are not free.  when we realize this, as i think we are collectively doing on a massive scale, I think we will take back our country and that will free the world also.  it will also feed and clothe the children in our country and the third world.

This would build a wave of sytemic change.  The unbalanced system we have now is not due to malevolent forces by either Democrats or Republicans or even bipartisanship itself. Rather it is due to our blind nonparticipation or taking responsibility of become informed. Isn't this own non watchfulness or lack of mindfulness over our own complicity with the whole game corporate business is playing here and globally.  While we sleep Rome burns.  

So, I share the above video to offer you one place to turn for some information and possibly just one place to start to help you wake up.  It is the morning coffee for governmental and economic mindfulness.

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