Saturday, January 24, 2015

Love extravagantly

                                          Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
                                             I took the one less traveled by,
                                             And that has made all the difference.
                                                                                       - Robert Frost

Dream your biggest dream.  Hold it close to your heart and love it as you love yourself and everyone else in your life.

All your dreams are signs leading along the way you are being called to travel. We all have dreams of how we want our lives to turn out. Those dreams are filled with beautiful times with people we love, brimming with laughter and love. They are rich with our creative self expression, fun sports we enjoy, completing that 5K run, maybe it's graduating from medical school, or getting your driver's license. All these achievements are part of your larger picture. They are the individual puzzle pieces of your big dream.

And yet, so many of, maybe all of us, just don't feel like we're getting there. Too many of us feel lost and confused by what's going on in the world and feel like everything is slipping out of our hands. I also feel that way.

So, what would propel us closer to where we want to go? And, how do we get there?

Earlier today, I found myself watching the news and then caught myself thinking about it - almost dwelling on it. And, then, as if a light went on, I realized that was a waste of consciousness. 

To focus on what I didn't want rather than what I did want - which is world peace - was actually fueling what I didn't want with the focus of my consciousness. Suddenly, I intentionally shifted my mind and began thinking about world peace and reaching for a deeper understanding. 

I realized there are many roads in our minds. There's the road from the place of broken dreams, condemnation, judgement, betrayal, failure, emotional or physical injury at the hands of someone we loved. That is a dark road from a dark place where we once were and came out of. There's the road to and from work where there's a lot of energy, but it's not dream energy exactly, and so it, too, isn't where we want to go consciously on our own time. There are a lot of paths in our minds. The really bad ones that come out of a tragic time in our past, need to be sealed off, and allowed to overgrow and recede into the past, otherwise they could drag us into a place of depression, again a waste of time and valuable spiritual energy.

So, where do you want to go? What's your dream?

Give it light, love and focus. And, if you're not sure what it is, that's ok. I would invite you to feed your mind and your consciousness and your life with the best thoughts you can think, the happy ones, the funny ones, the beautiful ones, thoughts of hope and faith in your dream, the loving ones. 

Fill your mind with as much joy as you can, as much love as you can, and keep your eye on the prize, so to speak. Think about thinking about only loving, joyous thoughts. And, if you stumble onto paths into darker places, immediately turn around, and leave that place, close the gate, lock it, and run as fast as you can into the light. 

Sit like a Yogi and breathe and invite in the light, and remind yourself where you want to go (remember those dark places are off limits). If you find yourself slipping into worrying about your finances, your career direction, your kids, the state of the union, and the huge global conflicts, catch yourself and take a deep breath and allow all the stress that was secretly grasping you to leave you as you exhale.  

If you slip into worrying about the conflicts in the Middle East, stop the worry, turn it around to loving the persecuted in those places. Maybe try imagining a cloud of light, filled with Divine love descending on those places.  Hold that thought and feel the love, see the light. Remember, don't judge or condemn, only love.  It's not our job to judge, that's God's exclusive right. You obviously don't love the violence. You love the precious people.

That's not all.  Here's the other half.

This might sound a bit strange. At this present time, our solar system, which together with all the planets in it, is on a rotation into the Milky Way Galaxy and back. It is on a path, sort of. And, it has been on this path for many millions of years. As it travels deep into the galaxy, it encounters different patterns of energy with different levels of intensity. The further it was from the center of the galaxy, the dimmer that energy was, but as it is moving closer into the galaxy, the energy is intensifying. 

This notion is described in the Hindu Yuga system.  The worst of the worst of times in our civilization was during the Kali Yuga and the best were during the golden age.  We are now in the Dwarpa Yuga - just out of the Kali Yuga.  That's why I'm always saying the times are getting better.  But we can help it along.

What does that have to do with our personal mental focus and staying on our intentional pah to our dreams?

Whatever you think about is enabled more than it ever was in the past. The energy radiating to Earth from space through which our solar system is slowly moving is impacting all of life on the planet. It is intensifying whatever your conscious intent is focused on. 

If you focus on loving your dream, or discovering what it is, and feeding your consciousness love and kindness, that will magnify - and not just for you, but for everyone around you. You might feel like a dim night light right now, but as you focus on what is bright and beautiful, you will become like a little sun in your world, lighting up your world - and our world - with love and creative energy and magnetizing more of the same to yourself.

Sadly, the reverse is true as well. If someone, or a group of people, are focused on cruel intentions, prejudicial, controlling and abusive actions, that also will be empowered. You see that every day in the news, which I advise you not to watch. You can find out what's going on, without dwelling on it. It's sad. You don't need it. I don't either.

Martin Luther once said the battle between heaven and hell is fought in the mind. Indeed, it is. Focus on love and don't worry about what others are doing. Focus on the love. Your assignment is to love. You are not here to judge. You are here to love. Love yourself. Protect yourself from those dark pathways in your mind. Withdraw your consciousness from them. Think only about love, how you can love yourself, how you can love others. Allow your intention to love become creative. Your light will grow and expand faster than you can imagine.

The battle between love and hate will be won by love. It is the creative, more positively charged energy field. We can help hasten it as we raise the vibration on the planet by focusing exclusively on love - being love - giving love - living love and thinking of nothing that isn't love. I would advise us all to close and lock the gates to any other paths in our minds that take us anywhere that is less that gorgeous, joyous, hopeful, loving, affirming, creative and fun. You do have to catch yourself in the act of wrong thinking in order to stop and change it by deliberately thinking a thought of joy and love.

You are here to love, exclusively, unconditionally, abundantly, extravagantly. Do it. The world needs your love and where we are on our path into the Milky Way is giving us the energy surge to do it.

Take that road less traveled, that leads us into love. It is through the narrow gate that we pass and the beauty there is something we would never want to turn from. Take control of your thoughts like a soldier grasps his weapon. Your weapon is your mind focused on love, beauty, joy, hope. A focused mind is the most powerful weapon there is. The world needs yours in our army of light aimed to love and grow into the next step of our collective evolution which is a great civilization of beings of love

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