Thursday, January 1, 2015

Prayer for Peace

Most beloved Divine Father-Mother, whose radiant presence is cast in unlimited expressions across your universal canvas, please bless us with your deep abiding peace and heal our world.

You are being itself, ultimate consciousness, genius creator of everything - from life on our precious planet to galaxies and star clusters, supernovas, and physics beyond our most brilliant scientists' knowledge - even to the tiniest particle of quanta light.

You are more than we can imagine or understand. Yet, even in our dim awareness, we know you are within, among and even beyond us. We are finally grasping - even in the tiniest way - who you are. We realize now, finally, that in our primitive state of spiritual blindness we misunderstood who you are. We had fearfully misplaced our worship and allegiance on the phantoms of power in our world, rather than in trusting your love felt and experienced within us. We worshiped that which we feared, rather that which we loved, which is you - love itself.

We need you now more than we may have ever needed you in our history. We ask you, in your great love and benevolent goodness, to fill our world, our hungry hearts and minds, and wounded planet - torn apart by war, violence, fear and hatred - with your beautiful conscious light and all its radiant power and wisdom and profound life force. Please guide us onto the next step in our evolution and save us from the consequences of our violent fear.

You, whose very substance is embedded throughout and within creation, whose incomprehensible selfhood transcends time and space, are all we need.

You alone comprehend the vast expanse of silent space even to the imperceptible flickering of a fraction of the time between our thoughts, which fire like machine guns on a battlefield. They disrupt our consciousness, violently screaming out in fear and for attention. Without the guidance from your greater intelligence, we would remain lost amid the noise and confusion of our current state at this still early point of our spiritual evolution here on Earth. Without you, we might destroy ourselves.

Please, fill us with greater understanding and wiser intuition, and a more enlightened awareness to avert our current destination. We need your peace, the peace that comes from the secure knowledge that all is well, despite how tumultuous it all seems right now.

Make each and every one of us instruments of Your peace.
Where there is hatred, let us sow love;
Where there is injury, let us pardon;
Where there is doubt, help us to find faith in your great benevolence and love;
Where there is despair, guide us into the vast sea of hope;
Where there is darkness, shine your light and help us to see, remembering that the darkness doesn't understand the light and therefore cannot and will not control it or subdue it;
Where there is sadness, remind us to surrender it to You, by accepting it, and therein, find joy.

Grant that we may not so much seek to be consoled as to console. Help us to remain mindful that the way out of our discomfort it to comfort another.

Grant us an ever increasing awareness that it is far greater to understand another than to insist on being understood.

Teach us to offer mercy to another, and thereby bring more of your love and mercy into ourselves, and increase our soul light in the dimmer regions of unawareness in ourselves and others.

Help us to focus our intentions to brighten the entire world even a little bit more with every thought and breath.

Help us to love always, first and foremost and remind us,

It is nobler to love than to insist on being loved.

It is more generous to give than to take, and it is in giving that we receive.

It is in forgiving that we are freed from the control of our oppressive judgmental systems, and harsh, soulless egos.

Divine Father-Mother, we invite you to take up greater residence in our hearts, increase in us your great presence which is peace, power, wisdom, compassion, love, joy and life itself, reaching fully into this life and out beyond the limitations of our mortal existence.

Divine Lover of all that you have created and are creating, we thank you for our lives, including the challenges of both joy and unrest as we move through this most recent stage of our collective existence on into a newer, brighter, wiser and more joyous stage of being.

Please bless us with your peace that passes all understanding and bring us into your infinite presence and strengthen us to love each other unconditionally for the rest of our lives and forever.


(inspired by and includes the Prayer of St. Francis)

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