Thursday, November 12, 2015

Sparkling spirituality

It's not a secret, nor a mystery.  It's out in plain sight.  Our land is drained of its vital minerals and nutrients. Our rivers are seriously polluted*, our air is toxic, and the Ozone hole is bigger than North America.

We know this. We already know this. But, that's not what I want to talk about here. I want to talk about us - you and me. It's about honoring ourselves, loving ourselves so much that we won't let pirates enter our inner harbors, we won't let a big steamer enter to dump ridiculous amounts of stuff on our shores or let the huge Monsanto corporation plant genetically modified crops which is actually affecting our own DNA, and further poisoning our bodies. That all sounds overwhelming, doesn't it? And, I haven't even gotten started.  But, that's not what I want to talk about.

I want to talk about honoring yourself.  If you honor yourself, you will not subject yourself to following the crowd, reaching to be part of the status quo, playing the global board game that says he who has the most money wins.  It's a dead end street, and we all know it.  And, if you don't know it, you know that too - that you don't know it.  So, there, you do know it.  It's the thing that kind of haunts you when you search your soul.  The longer you do what you hate, the more you hate yourself.

So, the way to heal the world, is to heal your own mind, your own heart, your own soul.  And, paradoxically, you can't really love another until you open your heart to yourself.  This is not vanity or narcissism.  It is recognizing that the God of the universe has a direct line to you through your heart.  When you open your heart to loving yourself, honoring your own integrity and dignity, you are inviting God in as well.  As the great creator of the universe and more loving than we could ever imagine or even receive, we will clean up our lives, our bodies, our pasts that still haunt us from within our own deep beds of unconscious material.  We might have discovered by now that we do have sediment poisoning our lives (like the Willamette's Superfund) but how do we clean it up? 

I would suggest that we start by loving ourselves and inviting God into the picture. God will also serve as your underwater searchlight and help you interpret what you find, bring it to the surface, explore what it means, and then let it dissolve in the sunlight.  God will lovingly hold you as you realize what happened to you.  And, then God will pour love into that wound, that gap, until your entire inner seascape is coated and enriched with God's love, God's healing balm. 

It's a process, and it may be a slow one or a fast one. That depends on your willingness to face the truth of what's happened comparatively against where you want to go, how fast you want to get there and how to live your life purpose - that's after you discover what that is. God will show you.

As we each clean up our interior lives, choose to live authentically and explore what being authentic really means for each of us, we will grow the courage to stand up to the big global polluters out there - and there are many. And, don't be fooled, they are enormously powerful, and won't go down without a fight.  But, if enough of us wake up, take back our lives, refuse to be prostituted to these evil giants (sorry but that's what they are) then we can take back our own souls and that of the world.

But, we can't do it alone.  It can only be done through the heart  with God at the helm of our hearts.  I can promise you that God is more than capable of doing this. Sometime I will write about the miracles, the many miracles that I have heard and seen in mine and other people's lives in which God healed and helped us grow and heal and reach much higher levels of empowerment and enhanced abilities to act on behalf of our families, communities and even world.

But, as for now, beginning the clean up - first in our minds, then our lives, is a great start.  Next, we reach beyond our own individual lives and connect with each other.  Of course, that will happen naturally, just as naturally as God will fill you with love, and that love is contagious.  All you have to do is invite God in.  God does the rest.


*The Portland Harbor Superfund Site in Portland, Oregon, is the result of more than a century of industrial use along the Willamette River.

Water and sediments along Portland Harbor are contaminated with many hazardous substances, including heavy metals, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), dioxin, and pesticides. These compounds have been found to be harmful to human health and the environment. Because of the contamination, some types of fish found in Portland Harbor, such as bass, carp and catfish currently pose a health risk to those who eat them.

Portland Harbor was added to EPA's National Priorities List in December 2000. The current study area extends from the Columbia Slough to the Broadway Bridge.

EPA and the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality are working with potentially responsible parties to clean up contaminated sediment and control sources of additional contamination.

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