Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Sunken ships in the subconscious

What lies below the surface of our inner harbors, submerged in the watery dark unknown?  Are they war ships or mercy ships, submarines, or crashed airliners? Maybe they once carried refugees fleeing a heinous dictator, war or corrupt government. 

Recently a friend and I visited the mouth of the Columbia River as she empties into the Pacific Ocean in Astoria, Oregon.  On a map,  markers indicate more than 2,000 ships have sunk there over the last 300 + years.  Many are old English sailing ships, some are merchant ships carrying beaver pelts to China from the rustic interior of Oregon, and some are simple sailing vessels. The marker said more than 700 people died when those ships sank.  The currents are strong in that port. 

I shuttered at the image of 2,000 ships sitting on the bottom of that dark watery opening to the Pacific.  Something mysterious lurks in that dark river bed, something haunting and invisible to the surface.  The unknown has a raw power, drawing and pointing to our own untapped power.

Marianne Williamson wrote in her acclaimed book, Return to Love, that we humans are most afraid of our own power, from which we try to hide. It is almost as though we know how powerful we really are and don't know what to do with it, like a loaded gun that we can barely hold.

We all have sunken ships in our subconscious, and they all are still loaded and contain an enormous amount of power. After I wrote yesterday's Tiger Lilies post, I realized as much as watching our incoming and outgoing thoughts mindfully is important, it just barely scratches the surface of an important topic.  It is a kind of "first thought" on a long continuum.

Previously, I've discussed our deep subconscious, describing it as an invisible partner, a silent cook in the kitchen of our lives, or as I just have as a huge submerged strata of unconscious material. It is indeed like a sunken ship that's still radioactive. But, since it's unknown and seemingly untouchable, we remain its puppets, controlled by an unknown power, placed there when we were children by parents and authority figures whose instruction then is limiting our lives today.

This "sunken ship" contains their beliefs which are now our beliefs until we go deep sea diving to explore and disarm the ships magnetism. It holds active all our automatic beliefs about ourselves and the world and God and money, and just about everything.  It contains early life programming from birth until six years of age, and most likely through to 15 years.

In our teens, we begin to think for ourselves and often attempt to rebuke any authority's attempt to brainwash and dictate to us - that's if we're healthy enough emotionally to rebel in order to assert our own autonomy.

As we remain mindful of our thinking and feeling, we might be able to hear those old ships whispering their tales to us. They may reveal themselves in a particular message pattern which shows up in our lives. Are we magnetizing, unaware, those messages, people, events?  Do we want them in our lives?  Are they helping us create our dreams with power or are they limiting us, keeping us frozen in fear, afraid to move beyond the status quo only to remain in the dark?

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