Thursday, October 6, 2011

Open hearts will heal the earth

"Prophecy tells us that at the very end the number of men with ambitious minds will decrease, while the people of good hearts, those who live in harmony with the earth, will increase until the earth is at last rid of evil. If the Hopi are right, this will be accomplished, and the earth will bloom again. The spiritual door remains open. Why not join the righteous people who are moving toward it?"

From Techqua Ikachi (Hopi for "Land and Life"), a newsletter published by Hopi Elders.

The human heart is infinitely more powerful than the brain.  Recent studies of the human subtle energy field indicate that the radiant "power" of the heart is tremendously more powerful than that of the brain. 

Yet, despite this, we continue to prioritize brain function over heart function. We focus, almost exclusively on feeding our brains with data, educating our youth with information that will be outdated in a few years.  We may place this high value on the brain because it puts us in control of our ability to draw from the well of the brain and suceed in our ambition. 

In a sense, the brain is a closed cage of information, a kind of data bank.  The more information we garner, the bigger our achievements in our material world can be, which fuels a sense of superiority over those with less information.  It creates an intellectual elitism, adding to the ego's edge on selective valuing of others.   (However, I am not advocating NOT educating ourselves or our children, but calling for a reorganization of our prioritizing paradigm by putting the heart first and intellect second.)

The side effect to this is as we continue to place the highest regard and emphasis on more "brain stuff," we simultaneously suppress the vitality of the more intuitive, more emotive, gentler and kinder knowledge and leanings of the heart.  The brain is never wise.  It simply puts data together and draws a cold analytical conclusion.  The open, fearless heart, crystal clear, without the deafening and blinding walls of the ego,  draws from the brain's data bank as it simultaneously listens to the voices of the higher self, of the angels, even of God, as well as others and synergizes it all with its own graceful responses to turn a potentially divisive or even violent situation into a learning experience, and a peaceful outcome. Each and every human encounter can be a beautiful magical experience.

There has never been a more importent time in the history of the world for people to put away their ego-driven, blind ambition for that relational, vulnerable, gentle open hearted approach to building bridges among others. Only through open-hearted relationships can we achieve any kind of connectivity on the planet, any kind of unity among people, and a healing of the divisions among us, built and held by racism, fear and elitism. 

Clearly many religions still promote exclusivity, killing and torturing others who don't convert.  Consequently, we must respond by opening our own hearts to learning the cultural languages and religious teachings of those who threaten and oppose us.  As we learn to "love our neighbor"  and "love our enemies," we heal the gapping wounds that infect our planet. As we step outside our own fear which has closed and locked down our hearts, in order to open to the "enemy," we will step into that realm over which we cannot and do not control which throws open the door to God's love and infinite healing power to heal the planet.

One person cannot do this.  No matter how ambitious, well meaning, inspired, one person cannot do this.  We need each other and we need to do this together, collectively, as one people, unified for our survival on the planet. Each of us must turn up the flame on our own inner lamps, open our hearts and listen without condemnation or judgment.  The ego and the brain judge, condemn and enter into a "crime and punishment" mentality, which only keeps the hatred going.  Love forgives and forgives and forgives until the world is a place of mutuality, a table set with love, hope and prosperity. 

"Every individual who becomes a clear and undistorted channel for eternal love into these times offsets a thousand who remain locked in the dissolving values of the old."
Ken Carey, Starseed: The Third Millenniumn

The future is ours to have and to hold and how we hold it today will make all the diffence in our future world.  If we choose to discipline our quick tempered reactions and open our hearts to feel the suffering of the one who has acted rudely or even abusively, and then step up to the plate with love, compassion and patience, one by one, we can and will change our world.  We don't need more stuff, more invention, more technology, more wealth - we need more love, patience, humbly kneeling before each other, knowing that only the love we give can heal us, our brother and our world.  The time is now.  We can't put this off for tomorrow or tomorrow's challenge before us will be greater.

It seems the time is right for us to listen to the Hopi elders, whose wisdom stretches back to the ancient Mayan and perhaps even beyond.

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