Monday, October 17, 2011

Spiritual Evolution

Spiritual Evolution* 

We always have a choice to either keep our hearts open, despite what happens to us, or close down and react to what happens to us.  Whenever we react, we step out of our open heart and away from our precious power. When we realize who we really are -  magnificent beautiful and powerful beings of light, children of God - then the choice is clear, though not easy, nor painless. 

As spiritually evolving human beings, we can accept the perceived negative stuff as opportunities to remain in our power, keep our hearts open, and allow that love to flow into the heart of whomever we feel is less than loving.  Each time we do that, I believe our heart space expands and increases in light and power.

When I was a child in grammar school, our science teacher said that the human being was a fait accompli, evolutionarily completed.  He also said that our instincts were gone, eliminated by our rationality which has over ruled and eliminated them.  Nothing could be further from the truth, I have since realized.

In a sense, he was saying our rational mind had suppressed and silenced our innate primal instinctual nature, our most primitive mind.  That was a long time ago when science and religion were still at war.  Today, science and religion are best friends and in fact are walking hand in hand down the hall of our modern enlightened school house.

There was a time, and is still active among us, when we were all controlled by a collective attitude of judgment, condemnation, dogmatic cohesion which forced us all into conformity with the rules of religion or culture or government or parental mandates. 

Why?  Just as any parent tells his child not to run into the street, not because he wants to be mean and deprive the child of the thrill of chasing the passing cars, but to protect him.  Early religion was originally meant to protect us.  But, in that effort it did its job too well and became a harsh legalistic system which kept us enslaved, dependent, childlike, closed, looking for affirmation and permission from outside our own innate wisdom.  That natural, instinctual wisdom flows from a deep inner well which is connected to a powerful, underground life source of wisdom from the Great Creator, who feeds our divinity with His fluid spiritual wisdom.  In a closed state, we cannot access this life source and in order to evolve spiritually, we need to.  We must.

Depending on the degree of pain or punishment we experienced by our parents, our religious institution or our culture to enforce their particular protective paradigm, we remain at varying levels of liberation or "individuation" from that domineering status quo.  Our necessary liberation from it would allow us to awaken from our fear-created cocoons of childlike dependence. If we remained in that closed-down state we would remain closed off from that radiant interior well of spiritual life and power.

The first step in our awakening into our evolving spiritual empowerment and enlightenment, is to realize that we are indeed closed down, fearfully kept small, closed, cut off, alone, spiritually silenced and diminished by all that controls and silences us unconsciously, keeping us dependent and powerless.  It is time for us to grow up.

In that first realization many emotions may flood your being. You may feel angry, sad, overwhelmed, anxious or grief-stricken.  If you allow the tears to flow, the anger to be metted out through exercise and the sadness to be spilled out in a journal, you may in fact begin to shake off the long spiritually sleepy years.  You may discover you are not alone. In that moment, there may be a fleeting sense another is with you, perhaps comforting you, offering you a bit of peace as a faint new rainbow crests on your inner horizon after a life-long "dark night of the soul." 

At first there's this dim awareness that everything you knew just might not be right afterall and that thought opens you up to the possibility of a paradigm shift.  You just have no idea how gorgeous it all is, just yet. You may try prayer or meditation and something kind of feels right about it, something feels good and you find yourself drawn to living a more authentic life, one of more intentional love toward yourself and others.

So, you begin to pray or meditate a little, read odd writings, meet interesting and courageous people, all of which and whom help you along your newfound spiritual quest down that rambling inner road less traveled.  That dusty path will lead you to and through the narrow gate that leads you to a secret garden where everything real and lasting is.  In the dawning of this new awareness, you become more empowered, loving and REAL.

So, at first the process is slow - the initial awakening which breaks through our darkened state of enslavement to all that was taught us - then it begins to move a bit more quickly until, as the picture above beautiful illustrates, we begin to expand our heart centers until we become the magnificent mighty creative beings of power, love and light we were meant to be.

You might enjoy Adeon's beautiful "Rainbow Warrior" series on his website:

May the light of God's love and peace and wisdom enlighten and empower your beautiful magnificent heart.  Always and forever.

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