Sunday, March 25, 2012

Awaken: Beware wolves in sheep's clothing, Part 2

                                  "For as the soil makes the sprout come up and a garden 
                                   causes seeds to grow, so the Sovereign LORD will make 
                                   righteousness and praise spring up before all nations."
                                                                                 Isaiah 61:11 NIV

As you awaken, be aware that all is not what it seems. Open your precious hearts and souls to the true lover of your soul, the One who has created you out of love, designed to freely find your own soul's path and live in love and peace. Our creator only asks for your love and for you to share his love with each other. In his presence, you will feel loved, joyful and immersed in a deep sense of peace.

On the other hand, beware the powers of control that would seduce you away from your own self-determination, and lure you further away from your own heart's desire, your own mind, and make you a slave. That is among the tools in the crafty wolf's cache. You will feel anxious, unsure of yourself, afraid, inadequate in its cold, critical, judgmental presence.

Today, the times are ripe with fears of the apocalypse, of end times. Today sagacious warriors of light warn us knowingly in Earth's dark night often alluding to the Mayan Calendar or Hopi prophecies or Egyptian writings that were left specifically for these very times, all abounding in profound warnings and messages from a former golden age. These messages, etched in ancient writings, on walls, temples, and pyramids, warn us about a possible end age that is being suggested could be imminent. It seems to me that we might be in the midst of that age but also on the cusp of a beautiful, radiant new age that will rise out of the ashes of this time.

These ancient messages, though sobering and fearful, are shrouded in mystery yet also hold a glimmer with hope and another promise. Wiser folk than myself have translated these messages from the ancient symbols and writings and are sure that we are entering an "end age." And yet, what is threatening our very survival is not quite as much a mystery as we may think. Ancient Judeo-Christian scriptures mention another wolf who stalks us as its prey, an "antichrist" who is defined as the very definition of evil incarnate.  Some may liken this being to a sinister satanic being, a Devil. That idea, which seems to be the prevailing idea, is actually part of the antichrist's trick. It would send us searching for something that is hiding in plain sight.

Laughing in its dark, bone-covered, crypt, the evil one smirks, cackling at its greatest deception against the sons of men. The antichrist is not so much a singular individual - that would be too easy - as it is a force, an empty nothing, that in its vacuous soul has only the power we unwittingly give it. In its skills set is its ability to suck your soul and power away from you by tricking you into giving it to it.  

It uses the language of religions and customs as its authority to take away your freedom and force your obedience to laws that further weaken your freedom and choice, eventually confusing you and robbing your of your creative, joyful, free energy and self-love. It is the ultimate user and abuser, only you don't know it because you think you're doing the right thing by obeying it.

Rather than dive into a theological comparison of duality, which is what I don't want to do here, I will simply say that the anti-christ is a force that blows across the Earth. It is on the media, in the news, in the market place and the schools. It has become so common that we can't recognize it anymore. It has become a standard of acceptable behavior and decorum that we have become so accustomed to its seduction we don't even recognize it as such anymore.

By slowly raising the temperature of our common life, we are slowly being boiled alive spiritually - metaphorically. We don't know it though. While we search the world over for the anti-christ, as we once sought an elusive terrorist, we miss the forest for the trees. It isn't one person, one nation, one religion - although it has a strong presence in most - it is a force.

As I look around our world at the unbelievable amount of deception, greed, selfishness, ego-based cruelty inflicted on others, it seems clear that control and manipulation are at the roots of most relationships.Too often relationships that one would think are based in love, are rather immersed in ego-driven power struggles. When the love is gone, assuming it was ever there, all that's left for the couple are power games. That idea seems to have penetrated all relationships - personal, professional, political, corporate from marriages to communities, nations, and the entire world.

I cannot listen to the news out of the Middle East anymore. I cannot hear about another innocent woman or child being killed or tortured by an oppressive, tyrannical dictator. There is no question in my mind that we must be close to the end of an age.

If this dark age, run and energized by the dark forces of a fundamentalist religion, which has reduced people to the status of puppets, awaiting the battle cry of yet another dictator, one who may look like a leader, spouting religious language, while building his hate platform against other nations and people who are different, then the end is imminent.

The souls of those who have been sucked in by the controlling manipulations of those who themselves are enslaved to a religion or a nationality or any kind of tribe that sets itself against others who are different, pivots on a seat of hate, violence, fear and cowardice.

As I write this today, my heart is weary from the lies and deception of those who dare to offer the world a face of innocence, honesty, noble intentional living, when they are rather ignorant, selfish, ego-based antichrists who prey on the innocent.

In their "us against them" arrogance, their false sense of superiority supports the ancient viper's mad plan for humanity's ultimate demise. Beware of them and beware of your own complicity, your own vain needs that look the other way as they trick, deceive and dupe others. The sons of God will be taken down, one at a time, due to our own weakness and sleepy soul state if we are not awake and aware.

Next:  Awaken:  Ancient deceiver lurks among us Part 3.

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