Saturday, March 24, 2012

Awaken: Ancient deceiver lurks among us, Part 3

                                          "For what shall it profit a man if he shall 
                                           gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?" 
                                                                                Mark 8:36 KJV

Awaken, all you beloved, radiant warriors of light. You, who are driven to serve the light, and seek greater wisdom, are needed so much more than you realize. You are also being targeted but may not know it. You may also wonder how are you to do what you feel in your heart you must do.  

First, you need to gather your weapons. We are at war with an invisible force. Like a windstorm, its presence is only visible in the devastation left in its aftermath. Your primary weapon is simply consciousness and tuning the harp of your heart and emotions.  Vigilance over your mind begins when you awaken. And, the war is won through non-resistance.

We all need to wake up to this terrible truth.  We are being skillfully deceived by the oldest and best trickster in the book. We all are.

If it isn't actually terrorizing and imprisoning us, it is tricking us to give away our money, our affections, our heart, our time, and ultimately our soul.  We even do it willingly. That's how deep the deception runs.  

News flash: the antichrist is here among us, as it always has been, but, perhaps, more so lately. It is a charming, even charismatic, psychopathic, lying, deceiver. Its biggest trick is that it is so nice, so friendly, so seemingly good, even seductively physically attractive, and yet it will steal your soul if you're sleeping at the helm of your life.

While it sounds like I'm talking about an individual, I am not.  It is a collective mindset, a kind of epidemic of evil that has poisoned the world well. Individuals may have these qualities and so might entire nations or political machines or corporations - all of which exploit and prey on the weak and unaware.  That's where you come in.  You are so vital, so important, to the planet's wellness and the emerging Golden Age. You are a warrior of light and your weapon is consciousness.  Conscious awareness is more powerful than many realize.

As you wake up to this, become aware of it, and not fight against it, but simply wake up, you defuse its power.  It's as if you stop one evil warrior by just being aware, nothing more.  Seeing it for what it is often is the first step.

But, the good news is - and there is good news - the vast, comprehensive, all-pervading presence of deception and evil in the world, today, is a clear indication that its demise is imminent. The point is, whenever anything is threatened it strikes out viciously. Apparently, the evil force must feel threatened. It has pulled out all the stops and is emptying its arsenal on all of us - worldwide.

Immediately, all people of the Earth must awaken to its slippery style. The weak among us will be its prey. We may be small and delicate physically, yet strong and wise spiritually. 

Its modus operandi is it tricks us into giving away our power. It assumes an authoritative position and whittles away our sense of value until we are (feel) weak and trapped. By this point, it has us eating out of its hand, completely dependent even if we are fully aware of our status. Then, the real work of dissolving our soul begins. Thereby it sucks the life out of the human being. 

It drains our freedom, our natural power and autonomy, and replaces it with a spirit of fear, of cowardice, of unimaginative living, of cold, apathetic hate and depression, literally stripping us of our creative freedom and divine destiny-making.  

It robs the soul by instilling it with fear. The obvious indication of its presence in your life is the degree to which you feel hopeless and depressed. The rising statistics of suicide in the world are evidence of its high casualty rates.

The Christ, the eternal, creative, all-loving child of God, is also a Spirit, a spirit of love, of unconditional acceptance, of patient allowing, humility, imbued with pure honesty, truth-telling, kindness, gentleness, all wrapped in a robe of non-judgment, and absolutely unconditional LOVE. It's absolute power and is our champion. Its power is the ultimate strength, but as gentle as a feather or a wing on a butterfly. And, God's gentle spirit of grace is always available to us.

Where the Christ spirit is, there is creation, there is patience, peace, love, joy, laughter, creativity, hope, and a gentle breeze of presence that fills the soul with light and LIFE. It is life-giving and life-sustaining. It is healing and it is always looking on the bright side of any challenging situation. It hopes all things, believes all things and waits patiently for our evolution, for that day when we open the door to our own hearts and allow the love of God into our hearts and lives. You will know it by its peace and gentleness, kindness, and honesty. Often it is simple, non-threatening and non-dramatic. You will feel alive, inspired and loved in its presence.  

The Christ undoes the antichrist with a simple sentiment of forgiveness. One who can forgive is free of the control of the antichrist. Since the antichrist operates on a platform of judgment and condemnation, demanding an eye for an eye, seated on the pretense of justice, forgiveness is an anathema to its operation. The antichrist dissolves in the face of forgiveness, which is love in action. 

When Christ spoke from the Cross, his last words were "Father, forgive them for they know not what they do." His final breath undid the antichrist and taught us the perfect mantra to remain free.

Just to refresh our understanding so we will recognize it when it comes knocking, which it will: 

The antichrist spirit is anti-life, cold, terribly serious, corporate structured, power-hungry, prestige-conscious, ego-centric and money-motivated because it does not love. It cannot love another because it cares only for itself. It seeks to fill its coffers at another's expense. It steals by lying, deceiving through its callous, manipulative and controlling antics, usually whipping others with hate-filled threats, criticisms, condemnations. It is entirely focused on hijacking another of their power deceptively, in a kind of guerilla spiritual warfare. 

As a poisonous snake first bites to paralyze its prey, this antichrist will seduce its prey with flattery, praise, false promises. An example is in the sweet talking false promises corporate leaders assure people in a third world village. They offer convincing arguments that their plan, which will pay people a fair wage to produce products which will be sold in first world nations, will enrich their economy. 

Then, all the ills of a decaying society set in, and a once idyllic, pastoral community is a drug state - for starters. Somewhere along the line, people have slowly substituted their principles, cultural identities, colorful creative societies, for money.  They have sold out and don't realize it until their once fertile rainforest is a stump of rotting, arid land.

In other areas, unwittingly people are stripped of their self-esteem, autonomy, creative license, freedom, joy. They are seduced by its falsity. The antichrist force is a soulless, spiritual vampire that leaves us all zombies.  

Beware. While this stinking spirit is loose on the earth, it stalks all that is free, lovely and life-giving because it is they who have the power it does not have and wants. Its vacuous soul has cut itself off from the true source of life, our eternally loving and creative Creator. Consequently, it operates behind a mask of fear and power. 

It may rear its ugliest head in those who think they are godly and holy.  It even thinks it's holy because that's part of its game, its pseudo-divinity, and it wants you to think it is the voice of God so it would convince you to give it your soul. It is a slippery trickster that can't be pinpointed or caught.  We need to be watchful and aware, guarding our souls by staying tuned into our deep, most intuitive, knowing. 

Beware of those who claim they are super religious because they may be the most infected. Pray for them. Love them into wellness, but not at the expense of your own soul.  Be wise, dear ones, be wise. Fill your own heart with the love that is the very fragrance of God's presence, God's own Christ among us, and then you will be able to smell the difference between the false ones and the true ones. 

Listen with your inner soul light, your own inner sense, and you will be able to see who is true and who is not. Sometimes it is very hard to tell, but we must all look beneath the surface and know who we are dealing with. 

On the other hand, many of our religious leaders, priests, and ministers are authentically faithful, weathered at profoundly "fighting the good fight," and are familiar with this spiritual warfare. It is the ultimate battle. You will know who they are and turn to them. They are there for you.

The real Christ will give you an extra sense to tell - to recognize the mark on the soul of those who have been spiritually poisoned and are themselves now deceptive.  

But, love them, anyway.  Love them, pray for them, imagine the love of God filling the dark caverns of their souls and let your own love, your own patient mercy, melt away their cold-heartedness and be a light for them, a mirror of the divine. Then hopefully they will meet the Christ Spirit who is in you and come out of the spiritual prison in which they've been languishing and realize they have been used, robbed, deceived and defiled by the great seducer. Then, they will find their hearts again and love again and come back to life, again.

It's important to remember that as you love them, love yourself. And, always, be wise as serpents and gentle as doves.  

(Aware, part 1 and part 2 are on March 25, and 26, 2012)

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