Wednesday, March 28, 2012

A Garden for Lovers

Earth, our beautiful garden home, was always intended as a place for lovers to live in and create their dreams. At creation, Earth came with all the ingredients for a perfect home for us to live in as powerful, creative, poetic lovers. 

A full moon whispers softly to our heart's free abandon every month. Warm, radiant sunshine dances on the surface of the water, beaming and smiling its effervescent joy and presence of love everywhere. 

The warm sand beneath our bare feet softly invites us to stroll peacefully along the tranquil shore. Strong snow-capped mountains protect the more delicate life in the valleys. Moist green forests provide shelter for the animals. Fruit trees, nuts, berries and plants offer food for our lives. In this beautiful place, you can dream your life into being, think it, wish it, and it could be.  

Ah, if we only really knew this, really believed this magical mystery, everything would be so different. There would be no more struggle, no war, no conflict, no scrambling for our share of life - large and small - from an individual person to a nation. Everything we ever dreamed of for our lives, every fruit of life we ever wanted to taste, is in this lovely garden of life.

So why do so many of us experience rotten fruit and get what we don't want? While it is true we attract what we want, it seems many of us are operating from a corrupted subconscious that is also attracting what it believes we deserve based on erroneous early-life brainwashing. This behind-the-scenes program, buried in our forgotten memory, is yet very operable. It is that system that is doing the choosing or refusing for us. It was locked and loaded long before we had any conscious choice of will, usually before the age of 5.

We may know that we want our plans to work out. We may reach for our goals and dreams, but, on a deeper level that older program,instilled in us from childhood,has full control. It is like an inner software that runs on a limiting belief which sabotages our dreams. It is that internalized inner belief that is blocking our success.  Among many of its beliefs is that we're unworthy and so we should not have what we want. At some early stage in our primary years, an adult made us feel this way. Since we were unable to discern and reject that belief, we believed it.  

Essentially, we are in conflict with ourselves.  On a conscious level, we reach for a dream,but on a subconscious level, that dream is denied or remains out of reach. It's our job to discover why. Why do we believe we don't deserve or can't obtain it?  There may be a buried belief that we need to discover, forgive, and release it, thereby freeing us to receive our dream. 

I also believe our creator, who made this beautiful garden for us, is urging us to release that buried belief that we are unworthy of our dreams immediately before we destroy our home.
That early-life learned program operates as a mean (or abusive, or addicted) parent who withholds love as a means of control. It is sometimes called the "inner critic."  It insidiously believes we are undeserving or unworthy of success, love, acceptance or receiving what we want. It's active in our fundamental operating system for so many of us, if not all of us. We associate this mean, controlling, unloving, judgmental parent as the archetype of authority, which we project onto God. We learn to live in fear and we subconsciously believe that God (and all of heaven) judges us. We have been taught that we are "sinners," and therefore unworthy of just about any good thing.

Since that is our oldest belief. That wish is what comes true, over and over again. If you were taught from your childhood that you are a "sinner" and unworthy of God's love, it is bonded deep inside your psyche. We need to undo that belief.

To do that, we have to go to the source of our being and relearn the most fundamental lesson of life which is we are worthy and we are loved, absolutely unconditionally. When we can learn that, accept that, and firmly believe it, we can retrain our mind. A lot of spiritual material is out there now, saying this, but I don't think we can say it enough.  How many times do we have to hear something before we learn and believe it?  A lot of times.

It is imperative that we take back our innate power, immediately. It is urgent. We have to regain our own power, autonomy, freedom, creativity and awareness of our own innate divinity. Then, our dreams can bloom.

The very first thing we need to relearn is that we are loved and lovable and that God wants us to love ourselves, first, and each other as a consequence of loving ourselves. Loving others flows from and extends from our own self-love. We love ourselves by honoring our right to use our own creative power through self acceptance and belief in ourselves, in our right to our dreams, and the destiny to which they bring us. We have to tap into love that is sleeping within us.  It's right behind the door, closed and locked by judgment and condemnation.

Love is the highest power. It is sheer creative power. Its source is from the creator of the universe, our Divine Parent.  We will only receive it through our belief system and that belief system is built on the foundation of our self-worthiness. 

To receive God's love, we need to feel we're worthy of it. And, that's the problem with most religions.They teach us that we're not worthy and thereby keep us locked in chains in the dark dungeon of unconsciousness, by withholding the knowledge that God loves us. It was this very idea the church imposed on its followers for centuries. It suggested that God was a judge, rather than the beloved who wants to nurture us into enlightened beings.

By keeping people away from God's love, through judgment and conditional acceptable, the church kept us poor, hungry, unloved and powerless, groveling, rather than stepping up and into the power and light of our birthright as the divine children of the Divine creator of all of life. The church (as most other religions) had us eating out of its hand. We did what all disempowered people do, we gave it what it wanted so it would give us what we needed. We gave it our allegiance, our power, our money, our firstborn, our worship, our hearts, and minds. We became beggars when all along God wanted was for us to be His co-creative soul mates. The Church abused the western world for almost 2,000 years, in the name of the One who came to teach us the exact opposite.

Religion promised us access to God, to whom it claimed it had exclusive rights. But, it didn't really give us access to God. It didn't know the code and didn't hold the keys.  All it did was keep us away from its dirty little secret. By the time we were completely enslaved to the larger system, our souls had been sucked out of us. 

Somehow, by some awesome miracle, we are waking up to  this now. We've heard so much from the Spirit on an inner-knowing, gnostic, interior level that is counseling and leading us to the truth. Now, we want to wake up everyone and tell them that God loves them no matter what.  And, the journey of life begins when we realize how loved we are and accept God's love, as one would accept the love of the beloved.  

There is nothing blocking you from God's love except a deep-seated thought that you are unlovable and unworthy. And, that is a lie. You are worthy and loved. Hold that thought for as long as you can, as often as you can, and soon your life will radiate a brilliant luminescence that makes our troubled world a little bit brighter.

You are all beautiful, brilliant, loving and very loved children of God, worthy of everything you can dream of creating.  There is nothing you can do to change that FACT. As a child of God you deserve everything you can dream up and you are able to have everything you want.

Since love is the most powerful energy, with the highest and most magnetic vibrational intensity of anything in the universe, with that love in you, you can attract into your life anything - absolutely anything. The key is believing this, accepting it, and then allowing it to catalyze your dreams.

Jesus taught us to receive God's love, we start by accepting the knowledge that we are loved and worthy regardless of anything we've ever done before. God's love is absolutely unconditional. It is we who keep it from ourselves and each other through unforgiveness, not the other way around.

So, to undo the old, buried, subconscious programming, remind yourself that God's love is the very substance of life itself, and the power to create your perfect life is in the magnetic energy of God's love. 

It materialized all of creation, and it is there and God wants you to receive it. I believe Jesus died in an effort tell us this. He came to stop the spiritual controllers of his time(Pharisees and Sadducees) who were exploitive, manipulative, and deceptive. They were those who neither entered the kingdom of heaven themselves nor allowed others to enter, either. 

It is urgent that we all realize we are loved and lovable and potentially as powerful as any child of God. You are here to experience and express God's love and light into the world. First you have to receive it through acceptance and then live it out loud.

Put all else aside for now and think exclusively on this: 

You are loved absolutely unconditionally, and because you are a child of God, as we all are, you are worthy of God's love. 
And, because you are a child of God, as we all are, you deserve to exercise your power to create the life of your own imagining and dreaming, the life of your own heart, the life that is brimming over with joy, love, promise, hope and beauty, a life of perfection - however you define it. 

You are a powerful child of God.  Remember this.  And, remember that everyone else is too.  We are all alike in this.  

Love yourself and show to the world how much you love yourself by how you love others. Allow your inner power to flare up like a great presence within you.  If you are cruel to someone else, you are showing the world that you are cruel to yourself.  If you cheat others, you are showing us that you cheat yourself, that you don't know who you are and you don't feel worthy of God's love.  Only love can change your life.  When you feel love, you exude it.  The light of love within you, through your acceptance, can radiate into all your relationships and extend well beyond your control into life itself.

We can change our future by changing our present.  
You are worthy and you are loved. Live like you know it until you have changed your inner programming.  

The world is waiting for all of us to stand up tall as the powerful children of God, filled and imbued with his power and his love to stop the madness and recreate the world as it was always originally meant to be - a garden ...... a beautiful, vibrant, radiant garden of love - for lovers and all others in which we communed with God in the Spirit of love, ecstatically and in bliss. It was meant to be a paradise on Earth.  

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