Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Conscious Consumption

Conscious consumption is required of all responsible people. When we purchase anything - from kitty litter to hamburger - we have to think beyond our own immediate need and consider the source and the consequences of our purchase. As an American, we are aware that we live in a consumer-driven economy. Essentially, this means that every purchase is a vote for that corporation and all that corporation does to produce and promote its product. No longer can we be blind to what we purchase, where it comes from and how it impacts the larger world.

Each one of us is part of a larger community, stretching beyond our national borders. If we can e-mail someone in Africa, then we are well aware of their existence and their lives are then part of our lives.  Everyone is part of a larger whole. We are one breath, totally, all part of God's one breath. How can we eat well, knowing others are not eating at all. Consciousness, awareness open our hearts to the great compassion. The world needs that compassion right now. It's not enough to just pray, or wish, we must put our actions, our dollars, where our hearts are.

If we are to love our neighbors as ourselves, then as we feed ourselves, we must also feed our neighbors - and the whole world is now our neighbor.

This means we need to be responsible to educate ourselves as to where our products come from. And, we might want to learn as much as we can about what is being done to American grains as well as American livestock.  

This is a poignant piece - a bit of a wake up call.  

1 comment:

  1. Very thoughtful. You do know that we feed most of the world, either directly or using our technology. I do think that there is a difference between consumption and waste. To put it another way, the most beautiful thing that a tree is what you make with it after you cut it down. If you can't make something beautiful don't cut it down.
