Sunday, July 1, 2012

Power to Create

Power in the abstract is strength.  Simply, it is uninhibited intention. From a spiritual standpoint, we know that God is power and that real power is created or comprised of that mysterious substance called love.  I know that doesn't make sense when you look out into our world.  Those who seem to love the most are the poorest, most vulnerable, least effective and usually the most victimized.  I would love to write to you that it was otherwise, but you know as well as I know that those who love the most seem the most abused. Why?

I think it is complicated, twisted with spiraling terminology and layers of psychology. It seems the world's power brokers - who clearly was the church establishment and more recently are the big corporate interests with sophisticated psychological media campaigns - has interpreted and taught authentic power negatively to keep it out of reach of those who deserve it. In short, the world perceives love as weakness. The world seems to be running on a terrible misunderstanding. It may be like those who teach that money is evil or power is corrupt. They may even find scriptural support for their thesis in order to keep it all for themselves.  In our upside down reality, that is probably true. That, in other words, is the dark side of control or oppression.  Their selfish objective is to keep the power from the people so they can be made malleable, manipulated and controlled by those who have the carrots of life - the food, the funds, the everything.

In God's reality - which is the only reality - the reverse is true.  Money is a tool.  Power is the concentration of faith-infused intention allowing the ability to act. There is no judgment associated with either.  Second to that is the over riding prevailing truth that God loves us and wants us to prosper.  Period. This is so important I can't state it loud enough. God wants you to have an abundance of money and of power, to create and create and create.  Frustrated creation leads to impoverishment - poverty on every level of human experience - materially and spiritually.  It leads to diminished dreaming, sad hopes, or no hope, depression, limited outcomes, sabotaged efforts, psychological problems, strained relationships, even arguments and war.  Most of the world's problems, I think, come from frustrated creation.

What if everyone knew that they have the right to create with that incredible power God has planted alongside every dream they can create in their minds and imaginations?  What if every one of us were able to achieve everything we dreamed of, completely uninhibited?  WOW!!

So, why don't we?  What is inhibiting us?  I think there is a kind of poisoned apple seed buried within us, put there by those who would like to limit us, control us, steal our power from us a long time ago.  For some, it's an entire cultural religion that fuels that ancient concept of a cruel, punishing god,  For others, it was an alcoholic parent, a cruel, mean school teacher, a grandparent.  All of these people and authoritative forces have established strongholds in our minds that still limit and inhibit our freedom.  It's like a knife in your back in that place in your back that you can't reach which keeps you from running the Olympics.  You may know it's there or you may not.  You may remember the pain in your childhood or you may not.  You may even remember and you may even be able to say what happened and even realize that a poisoned apple seed was planted in your soul a long time ago that continues to seep poison into every thought or dream of yours. While you may know this, acknowledge this, you still may not be able to pull the knife out or mend the ancient wound in your soul from childhood abuse.

If you are reaching for a dream and not succeeding at it, this may be why. I think it is the case for all of us.  None of us have really over achieved our hearts' desire.  There is not an overabundance of love in the world.

Awareness may be the first step toward healing and abundant living.  This awareness can be in every breath you take. It is waking up consciously and intentionally to that power and remembering that it is your divine birthright.  You are allowed to have it. our Divine creator imbued it in you at conception and wants you to wake up to it, to receive it and to use it for healing, building a better life and world.

We may each of us have a lot to overcome, but we have to look toward the future, not the past, to find our lives with all the hope and determination we can dig up. We have to begin by dislodging that deeply imbedded old wiring - that proverbial poison apple seed - that's wedged deep into our psyche. I don't even know if we can do it ourselves, but I think that we can ask God to help us, heal our hearts, remove the knife in the back that we can't pull out.  I think we could ask God to remove the poison in our minds that inhibits us, that is still seeping into our spiritual drinking water.

Always remember you are loved and you are a free creative being.  Reach for your dreams knowing that God's love is all there is and God's love is absolutely unconditional. Love is the power and the power is love.  In love you will and can create and when you are creating, you are expanding in love and power.  When you feel judged, your ability to feel loved and to create is diminished if not sabotaged and squelched completely.

So, today, if you are feeling sad, limited, it is because that ancient poison apple is spewing into your beautiful soul a sour idea.  You can - and have the right and the power - to overide it.  Choose to remember that you are loved and that you have the right to create every dream you can imagine. Remember that and teach that to your deeper self and to everyone you know by being who you really are - a magnificent, unique, brilliant masterpiece who is capable of making something truly awesome. And hopefully together we can recreate the whole world, making it into something we can only barely imagine today.

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