Saturday, December 29, 2012

Divinity in disguise

Love ....
by the way you walk,
by the way you sit,
the way you eat.
This world very much needs love.
- Thich Nhat Hanh

Flowers, elegantly scattered among us, are sacred signs from heaven.  As delicate living vessels serving as iconic conduits to the divine, they are tangible evidence of heaven's dusting of itself everywhere on Earth. Gentle, colorful, yet brilliantly detailed in their exquisite design, the flowers are here on Earth to remind us from where we came and where we will return.  Even among the trees, and mountains, in harsh desert or tundra climates where virtually nothing grows, a fragile delicate tiny white edelweiss thrives.  Everywhere nature speaks to us, calling us to remember our true home.

Heaven has been described by those who have gone and returned as a place of incredible color, brighter than any colors we know here, where  flowers are abundant.  Eckhart Tolle says that flowers are native to heaven and are planted on Earth as reminders to us when we forget, as we all do inevitably, of the perfection and beauty of our real home, our eternal home. So, it is no wonder that roses and lotus are symbolic of that perfect spiritual state of communion with the divine.  

Beauty and love are so intimately wed they beget each other.  Beauty is a reminder of love and love creates beauty.  When we meditate or look at flowers, our minds are gently enveloped by the beauty that is love and inspires love and helps us to love more.  And, clearly love is a divine act that heals our world, evolves our souls and brings us closer to heaven.

All the great spiritual masters have invited us to step into our highest spiritually evolved state by meditating, thinking upon love and beauty.  If we did nothing else spiritually but look at a beautiful flower, we would have entered into a spiritual inner sanctum.  But, the reverse, sadly is also true.  If we killed all the flowers, all the beauty in our world, we would have reduced the love, the life force itself, the nourishment for our souls and we would have lowered our divine ability to create and to live.  We would have stifled the prana, the spiritual air we need to live, in our world.  

Dr. Masaru Emoto, a well known Japanese scientist, has done extensive research on water, frozen and then viewed in its crystaline state (i.e. snowflakes) and found that focused intentional human thought affects the water crystals profoundly.  Thoughts of love and thankfulness, when directed at water, result in a beautiful, perfectly designed lacey snowflake, many of which seem to display a double tetrahedron* (star of David) at its center, which is the universal pattern of creation.

Creation's life-force, which we now know builds in a kind of lacy pattern, makes everything in the universe. It is the ultimate power. Obviously, a substance that is without that creative power, is in a weakened state and cannot create.  In other words, it is powerless in itself. Therefore, non-creation is non-power. So, never underestimate the power of love to create. We all have that power, seeded within us. We just have to decide to use it.

You can only imagine how wonderful your life would be if you chose more wisely, to love yourself and everyone and everything in every moment. The more love you invite into yourself, the more powerful you become and the more able you are to love others and help them know this truth also. Love makes you powerful - even if it is gentle and kind as a beautiful water lily.

On the other hand, when loveless, condemning, critical, destructive thoughts are directed to water, a chaotic mess emerges, formless, without the lacey design for creation. The following photo is of a water to which was directed hate-filled thoughts and a threat to kill.

But, the good news in Dr. Emoto's research reveals that polluted water, which under the microscope is dark and chaotic, can be changed into the beauty of a love crystal through prayer, as the following photo displays. 

In short, we can change our water from lifelessness to the essential life-giving, vital substance for all of life. Dr. Emoto's research suggests the awesome effect love-sent water could have on the Earth - to heal the planet, all species and us. Since all animate life is comprised primarily of water, the power of prayer could be magnified all over the world if we all consciously sent prayers -intentional focused thoughts - inviting heaven's love into all the water everywhere and into ourselves, our own minds and hearts and chose actions of love.  

On some level, all of this is a mystery, as is all of life, but if we can remember and in that remembering reconnect to the divine within us and live out of that fountain of love, we will transform ourselves, each other, our entire world into a living sanctuary, mirroring heaven - even if just a bit.

Maybe we can make every thought, every deed, every action, everything like a flower - a thought flower, full of love, remembering heaven and of the transformed crystalline water, flowing out into all the water, then life, the earth everywhere might be healed.

Then we might also heal our own bodies, our own lives, our communities, our countries, our entire planet, if we all would consciously focus our thoughts on being love, of being human flowers - beautiful, elegant, compassionate, magnanimous, serving mercy to all - absolutely unconditionally, since love itself is unconditional.  It's simple really.  We just have to remember who we really are and the flowers are here to remind us.

 * double tetrahedron:

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