Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Teary day

It's raining in Portland this morning. Almost in response to last night's terrible act of violence, today's dark overcast sky is filled with December's somber tears from heaven.  When a still unnamed gunman opened fire in a busy shopping mall yesterday, bustling with Christmas shoppers, he had already made a clear decision to be just another blind follower of this rapidly deteriorating culture of death rampant across our once lovely planet.

Any act of violence that violates the fundamental law of God that has asserted since antiquity, "Thou shalt not kill" is an act of utter powerlessness. This poor desperate man, so utterly empty of any light, of any power, revealed to us all on the grand stage of the local and national news what was already secretly buried in his heart - fear, anger, suppressed creative potential and a sense of utter powerlessness and hopelessness.  We don't need to know much else - what his childhood was like?  what drugs he may have been on, what happened in his job or lack thereof.  We know that his soul had been blemished terribly.  He, like the other two he killed, was a victim of his own impotence as a human being.  His frustration screams out in the blood he spilled.

We can't be reminded enough that we all have an awesome power within us and we exercise that power (or false belief in powerlessness) in every thought we think, action we take - smile or frown we offer externally.  I've often wondered if what we do shapes what we think or if what we think shapes what we do. But, I do know that we all have the power to be deciders of our fate and fortunes. If we can see that our lives reveal a low state of imagination and simply don't measure up to our highest hopes and dreams for our lives, then we are thinking wrongly.  

Even if we don't know how to change what's going on in our lives, we are never completely without resources.  Pray!  PRAY! and Pray some more!! Even if you don't believe, pray!  Even if you're a died in the wool blind atheist, pray!  Pray even for more faith and more will to pray. Pray as if your life depended on it, because your life does depend on it.  And, not only your life, but all our lives.

We are all connected on this great web that stretches across our globe and every thought you have affects every action you take and every action you take affects those around you - like the butterfly affect.

If you are troubled by the news and what's on your television, change your mind.  make a choice to be loving to a stranger.  Buy groceries for the local food pantry, put a dollar in the Salvation Army red pail outside the grocery store.  Every act of kindness, is a spot of light added to our fabric of light that also sweeps across the planet.  

Maybe we can't make North Korean stop its insane weapons machine, or stop the heinous civil war in Syria, or urge Israel and Palestine to find some kind of amicable solution to their sad relationship. Maybe we can't really do anything about the rape and violation of women in Africa, or the child slavery in India or the other corrupt and genocidal terrorism among Uganda's Lord's Resistance army or even about what is being produced in Hollywood that's affecting the minds and imaginations of our children and all people in the world, but we can choose - each and every one of us - to be and do goodness, be love and be truthful with ourselves and others in our lives. 

If we can take a determined stand to be part of the great wave of light and love, truth and goodness that is also sweeping the planet, our hearts will rise up and fill with the power of creative solutions to these problems.  we cannot be passive today or any other day.  We cannot just get up every morning, go to work like any other day and not take a stand either for or against being consciously aware and part of this great humanity. 

We all have the power to be light in this world. We are divine beings with the power of choice.  We can choose and we do choose.  Today choose to love your neighbor, support the poor, care about what's going on and expand your potential and your own personal power by choosing to be strong and be strong in the love that is buried deep within you.  Love yourself.  Love yourself enough to release all that awesome power within you to be a powerful warrior of light.

1 comment:

  1. This was a horrible slaughter of innocents. Thank you for your words that find Light in the midst of darkness.
