Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Starlight in a stable

Gently, she laid her newborn baby in a manger of sweet hay, warm and safely protected from the noise from the nearby streets of the arriving tribes from throughout the region clamoring in response to a census call.

The trip had been hard and long, dirty and tiring, and yet in these quiet moments with her beautiful, precious child of God beside her and her kind and strong husband napping nearby, she whispered to God a private prayer of gratitude for the safe delivery of her baby and for the honor of being chosen to bring into this world his gift to humankind.  She knew she didn't know what the future held for their young family, even what the next day would be like. 

She was tired, and her newborn fragile.  Would they even make it back to Nazareth safely?  The times were rife with unrest, the Romans were bearing down on her people, and all they had was their faith in God who they knew would never forsake them, never abandon them and would always be there even if it didn't fit their design or comfort.  She knew this and yet she also sensed something heavy was lingering out in this dark, starlit night.

She glanced up at that incredible star that streaked into the opening of their shelter.  She felt peace. She felt hope and most of all she felt God's love. She reached into the manger where her tiny baby was tucked in with the fresh clean baby wrapping she'd carefully brought from Nazareth for him and when she felt sure he was sleeping contentedly, she slipped closer to her husband to keep them both warm.

As she drifted off to sleep, it seemed a glow of warmth held them all.  They would be safe for now on this beautiful, hopeful and glorious night.

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