Monday, December 23, 2013

Restoring the Tree of Life

The knowledge of the awesome love of God, gifted to us at Christmas, was for all people in all seasons and all places. It has no religious, national, cultural or geographical boundaries. It is every living being's heritage as much as it is part of life itself, embedded in the original design. 

Its home is in the heart, rather than the data-centered brain, and radiates from the heart to another heart, which can receive it, or has ears for it, as in early Christian language, a heart that has "ears to hear." Its power seems directly related to the depth of the heart of the sender and the receiver. That depth and capacity of the heart is created, or plumbed, by life's suffering and grief. The greater that heart's suffering, loneliness and loss, the greater that heart has been trimmed and readied for the infilling and presence of love's pure and passionate power. 

In its suffering, it needed, longed for God's cherishing. That too is part of the journey's design. Once the heart is healed by the awareness and acceptance of God's perfect love, that heart becomes a perfect chalice for God's Holy Spirit.

When the pharisees complained about a woman washing Jesus' feet with her tears in gratitude for his forgiving her many sins, he asked them if a man who owed a small debt had been forgiven his debt, would be happy?  They nodded.  He then asked, how much happier would a man be who was forgiven an even larger debt?  They got the point. The more one has suffered, the larger their heart has been made by that suffering, and consequently the more that heart can love.  

Jesus was born with all the love of the universe and, through the wise and loving nurturing by his family, entered into life an unharmed pure soul, without wounds or issues. His innocent light was protected by his wise and pure mother and strong and faithful father.

He was welcomed among those who were bitterly oppressed and marginalized by a cruel tyrannical system, not unlike many systems still actively out of control in our world, today.  As he looked into their eyes and felt their pain, he grieved for them. He knew the knowledge of God's love would heal them and their suffering would not be in vain. Due to their broken hearts and lives, they had deepened their hearts. They were able to love more than the rich who had never suffered. They had ears to hear him and embraced his message eagerly and crowded around him.

They had subsisted at the mercy of a cruel Roman power system and as its victims needed to be relased from its control. In order to be freed mentally and spiritually they needed to understand authentic power. Jesus began his ministry by declaring that he came to "preach good news to the poor, freedom for the prisoners, recovery of sight to the blind, and to release the oppressed." In short, he came to liberate them (and us) from limitations that enslaved and blinded them to the truth of who they are and release them from spiritual captivity. His primary concern was liberation of their inner light that was hidden and suppressed out of fear. And, when we hide our light long enough, we detach from it and lose touch with its ability to guide us and become weak and lost.

Only the awareness of who we are, that we have an awesome power within us, would liberate our minds from the grip of any external power system or status quo. True freedom is contained in the awareness that we are loved and don't need to please or submit to those oppressive systems and powers that control us.

Since women around the world are controlled by patriarchal systems, oppressed, abused, silenced, the liberation of the feminine globally is essential to create an authentic balance on the planet of male and female energies. Womankind has suffered for many thousands of years as the patriarchal voice continued to control the planet until today the world is terribly lopsided.

To restore the planet to its intended state is to harmonize the male and female.  To do that on a psychological and spiritual level is to bring back the goddess, who is beautifully present in Mary Magdalene. Womankind need a strong, positive and powerful feminine role model. She is the perfect candidate.  Jesus saw the oppression of women in his time and in his radical message of love, lifted up women especially.  As the most marginalized, he saw their plight and called for their burdens to be lifted.

If Jesus came to show us how to love our enemy, would this man of sheer perfect love not show us how to love on an intimate level? Why would he leave that aspect our lives out of his love teachings? Once we stop damning human love and intimacy, we will release it from the dark forces that oppress and prey on the feminine with the same miserable consumptive gluttony as it feeds on everything else that's beautiful in our world.  If we reclaimed it, protected our dignity with a ferocity and restored the dignity of the divine feminine to its rightful place alongside its male counterpart to create a divine dyad as were Adam and Eve, Abraham and Sarah, and Jesus and Mary - wouldn't our world change overnight?

These times are really not so different from the first century when a clear understanding of true power was desperately needed. When we lost the meaning of Jesus, we lost our understanding of who we really are. He sought to restore the dignity, light and power to women and especially one woman who had been misunderstood.

If all women could imagine being loved as much, they might begin to love themselves enough to realize and act as if they deserved to be treated well by men, rather than tolerate cruel, dehumanizing treatment. Where is their courage?  Today it's in hiding because they do not know they deserve better.  A better life is absolutely unimaginable to them because, I believe, they've been taught since infancy of their second class status in a man's world.  In a sense, they've been brainwashed. Too many around the world, and especially in third world nations including the Middle East, India, Southeast Asia, and even in America, where women still jeopardize their health and wellbeing to be appealing to men - none know how to love themselves.  

Jesus' love of Mary helps them understand love through their example.  By restoring Mary as queen beside her husband, women would feel worthy and better able to accept God's love, something Jesus would have wanted.

With our global embrace of his queen, we embrace the divine feminine and restore 3.5 billion women to their rightful place as equals and partners to men. When we balance the male and female unique spiritualities, we come closer to restoring Eden.

As we accept Jesus' love for Mary Magdalene we restore the goddess and her divine feminine power. The divine feminine is a spirit of pure unconditional love, healing, compassion and mercy. For millenia, she has cried out to God to hear her suffering. Through that long suffering, her heart has become profoundly deep and wise. 

She is the world's chalice for God's love. The world needs her sweet, yet powerful, wisdom. She is profoundly intuitive, just, innately more focused on the interiority rather than the external territorality the male principle is driven to protect.  We need both, equally, and we need them to be balanced immediately. We are the tree of life, drawing on the seed which is that sacred union of male and female, that authentic yin/yang, which is at the core of life.  A world out of balance is insane and self destructive. Restoration of the divine feminine is the antedote. 

Mary Magdalene is our authentic queen and when we accept her again, restore her royal place, the world will begin to heal.  People have always been inspired by the power of myth or story to be moved into the next stage of their collective development.  Today, we need to amend an old and flawed story to put us back on the path we were always meant to be on, more than 8,000 years ago or even longer.  It's long overdue.

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