Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Leader of the flock

Suddenly it's Christmas when the world celebrates the awesome birth of a king and the promise of a future queen, a most holy alliance.

This king born in the humblest of circumstances would show the world what real power was.  His power came strictly from God through his pure innocence and surrender to ultimate power. This power was also a soul love which, through his teaching and example, would lead us into the truth of who we are potentially and reunion with God.  

With the birth of a genuine king, rather than the arrogant, selfish, narcissistic kings and leaders of this world who usurp their false power from the masses and claim authority and power over them, our hope and potential fulfillment was also born.  

For millenia, rulers of this mad man's world have been models of authority. Too often cruel tyrannical dictators have exploited us and our Earth and just about everything on it. 

For millenia, women were property, used as servants and sexual playmates. Real mutuality between men and women has been elusive and in many cases, reduced and devolved to co-existence without passion, without light and life. 

Afterall, it's still a man's world and where there's no love, there's only control and abusive power.  In a world that only knew abusive power, falseness on every way, there was little love for a man to show a woman, who too often trembled fearfully in her husband's coarse words and action, rather than speak up, stand up for her own dignity. In this man's world that taught fear over love, any woman's courage came at too high a price.

But, it wasn't ever meant to be like that.  In the birth of Jesus the world was given both a future King, and the promise of a future Queen as well. According to legend, as his heavenly partner, she would stay with us until his return, remain to lead us in his footsteps on the true path to God.

Long ago, before there was patriarchy there was the goddess, who empowered all others in her presence, who in humility and grace, expressed the highest qualities of the divine in human behavior.  In goddess communities, archaeologists have never found evidence of any spearheads, or ancient weapons of war.  It is clear in a goddess community, there was considerably less competition among the people than in a male-dominated community, such as we've experienced for the past many thousands of years, in  fact for so long, that we have no collective memory of anything else.

With the coming of Jesus, Messiah, we were introduced again to what a true partnership of feminine / masculine power would look like.  Even in Jesus' teachings alone there is the blended male/female, power and wisdom, merged in a benevolent, life-giving wine for the soul, poured into our thirsty hearts, our own souls as chalice.  

Many of today's scholars, after extensive study of the scriptures - orthodox and Gnostic - are certain Jesus was married to Mary Magdalene.  As a Jew, part of keeping the law was marriage. Marriage was terribly important, far more so than today, and Jesus only increased its importance by forbidding divorce.  Marriage was a mirror of God and humanity's covenant and it was to be taken as seriously as humanity's relationship with God.

According to the Gnostics, the birth of Jesus' bride would have held almost equal importance to his own birth.  He was returning to us our lost goddess, whose benevolence carried with it God's grace and Holy Spirit. As his beloved who would remain here after his resurrection and ascension, she would continue as leader of his flock, as Magdal-eder, which means "watchtower of the flock" Hebrew. (See Micah 4:8-11 and Margaret Starbird)

Based on this smallest shred of evidence, it seems clear Jesus fully intended Mary would continue in his place to watch over his flock. Maybe it was even part of his initial mission and plan. Once the good Shepherd was gone, she would remain as his shepherdess, rather than Peter.  

If so, what would that mean to the world if we had received her as Queen? Through the centuries, inspired people have often realized this and expressed it - in art, poetry and more recently in theology. And as many have received her as holy queen, their interpretations of her have become increasingly more respectful. Today we see her as Queen, whereas centuries ago the dark patriarchy of the church saw her as prostitute, perhaps, because it had once prostituted its own soul to the dark powers of Roman patriarchy, which killed the innocents, the children, and the sons and daughters of God.

As Queen, what was her guidance to His people?  How did she lead and what was her message?  Simply, it is that you are loved with an everlasting love, you have within you a pearl of great price, more precious than diamonds and gold, and that pearl is the light, an anointing from God's holy helm, which would continually lead you into your own regal nature.  In your own passion, emotional expression and poetic power, you will find and reflect a little bit of God's divine realm.  You can trust your inner spirit because that inner spirit is God's own Holy Spirit.  Beyond your fear, beyond your sense of inadequacy, is a field - a beautiful, florid landscape - which is heaven.  

In that sacred inner place, you will find your own true partner, your own soul. There, you will see the Queen who will escort you to the gate where her own beloved will take your hand and lead you into all truth, which is life eternal, and a joyous bliss beyond anything this dark place could ever offer you.  

Maybe the only question left for you to answer is how brave are you, how free are you from the world's false kings who have duped, conned and controlled you all your life, to take her hand and allow her to midwife the birth of your own soul and lead you to Christ at the gate of heaven, all within your own precious heart and mind?

His Christmas birth brings you to her and she will return you to him.

According to the Gnostics, Mary was born near Bethlehem also, yet not in a stable or cave, rather in a comfortable home, only a few weeks after his birth.  

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