Friday, February 12, 2010


Dreaming, once the domain of poets and children, is your natural human right.  In fact, it's so much more than that.  It's your destiny, your purpose, your reason for being.  You were born to dream and you were born to create those dreams and give them life.

"What?"  you might say "are you talking about?!"

Ok, so let's look at power sources, first.  Because if things in life are created by tapping into some kind of power source, what and where is your power source? 

Well, if you're an electro-magnetic battery, what can you do?  What kind of machine can you run or make? When your car battery is dead, flat, and you recharge it, the longer you run it, the stronger the charge. The dreamweaver's battery or power source is in his or her imagination and it's pretty much unlimited because it's connected to the power of the universe.

But first, we have to unplug every unecessary thing that's drawing off our interior battery, leeching our spiritual energy. Once we free ourselves of all the unnecessary stuff we empower - those things we thought we had to pull along in life, all of those false responsibilities which require a lot of our energy, and decide to simply power our own little light, we realize that our own batteries don't die as quickly and, in fact, can be supercharged to power far more important things than worry or guilt.  

In fact, when we release all that baggage that we just don't need to hold onto - guilt, other people's problems, worry, the past, the future, finances - we feel an incredible lift - a splurge of energy that just sends you soaring.  We quickly realize that we'd been fueling all that stuff and when it's not there anymore the fuel just sends your own spirit soaring. It's like an uncapped spiritual oil well.  It's euphoric when it happens. Caution: Unless you stay aware, those things that you released will be replaced by other things and then that beautiful lift will be diminished again.

Very simply, to keep your own creative power source, your own light burning bright requires four things (at least for starters).  

Let go of just about anything and everything that's weighing you down, as much as possible without reniging on real responsiblities.  Feel the joy of the liberated moment.  Enter into it, let it send you up into the stratosphere like Old Faithful in Yellowstone Park.

 Be careful not to slip back into the old ways of taking on too much stuff.  Watch your worry meter.  Continue to release more and more out of your life that sabotages your joy and your life energy. 

 Do what you love, smile often, do something kind for someone, play with your children or spouse, sing, pet your cat or dog, and most importantly focus your mind on only positive, beautiful, joyful thoughts and dreams. 

Dare to Dream your biggest dream.  Give yourself permission to get lost in the designing of your dream.  Imagine it.  See it as you would see a video.  Allow it to play, then visualize that dream bathed and blanketed in light - a rich liquid golden light substance.  As you allow your mind to create this image within, you are drawing into your mind's eye, into your imagination, the very creative substance of life.  In that liquid golden light substance are the five dimensional creation molecules that will actually take what you visualize and dream about and produce it into our currently sensory 3-D.

I know our minds are receptive to this just as a dried plant on your windowsill is receptive to water when you pour the water over its parched soil.  This is what your mind was made for.  It wasn't made to worry.  It wasn't made to solve all the world's problems or carry everyone else's worries.  You weren't born to save the world. You were born to be one single candle in the darkness.  With your light, others may see they are also.

You are a creator and unless you unleash and use your creative power, your natural instinctual spiritual battery will seek out something to fuel.  It may start fueling worry or it may become frustrated at the lack of a creative project and grow dim and negative, backfiring in a way.  When you fuel your own dreams, power your own vision using the light of heaven - that golden liquid light - your own inner battery is both expanded and recharged and the more you do it the more you can do it.  

You can turn a wish into a full blown building project.  You will feel your creative roots, you will feel alive as you've never felt alive before.  You will feel joy and that joy will send a ripple through the entire web of life, through the house, the neighborhood.  Like the butterfly effect. If you start to soar, you raise the entire human tent.  As you allow your own light and joy to spread, teach it to your children, I bet you could start a wave that would reach far beyond Rich stadium.  

As you embrace your dream, share that precious vision with only those whom you know will help you hold it.  Don't share it with the naysayers.  Don't despair over it.  Just dream it and visualize it and see it wrapped and flooded in light, a rich golden light.  I know you can see this.  This, I think is one of the primary steps in reaching for and toward heaven on earth.  It's not heaven on earth, but it's the front line.  We have to start somewhere and this is a beautiful place to begin.  

You begin to recharge your battery, increase its power with each powerful positive thought.  As you focus, adding more and more  light, more details and hope to it, giving yourself permission to dream it, water it with light, it will grow and become real in your life.  As you watch it, it will grow.  And, then, when something - even a small thing - happens as a result of this, please tell us about it. Tell all of us about it. I believe that we want to do this and we all need support doing it. 

Maybe start small for starters.  Someone once said, start with a butterfly. Imagine a butterfly.  See it in your mind's eye, see it flitting from flower to flower in the spring garden.  Then, maybe, despite the winter, you may see it.  It may not be out there in the front hedge, it might be exactly what you see in your mind, on the cover of a magazine in the dentist's office later today. Like that. Who knows. Just do your part and let the mysterious alchemy of the universe do the rest.  You dream it.  That's your job. Then, see what happens. 


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