Sunday, February 28, 2010

Conscious Creation

We are creators, completely and totally, and, it seems, that our gracious, generous Creator, has not wasted any of our being to make us into the magnificent creators we are.

Recently, I read an amazing book by Gregg Braden "The Spontaneous Healing of Belief."  It is not a religious book, nor is it a spiritual tome on how to be this or this.  It is a science book about the universe. As citizens of the universe as well as creations of it, we are remarkably like it.  

His thesis is that the universe runs like a computer and is holographic, meaning that every particle (quanta) is mirrored throughout it and is part of it, including us and our thoughts.  It's like a teaspoon of water contains the total sameness as the ocean.  That's holographic.  Human beings are also holographic in the same sense.  What is in the atom is in every atom and we are made up of atoms.  OK.  So, the point is that we are a microcosm of the universe, which is a macrocosm.  We are all little universes walking around.

So, if the universe is creative - which obviously it is - and we are microcosms of it, we also are creative in the same way it is.  If the universe runs like a computer, so do we.  The point is that we have to understand how to talk to the big computer.  We have to learn how to align our little computer with the big one.  It also seems that we didn't come without an operation manual.  

It seems the ancients knew this.  The Christian Gnostics knew this.  It is in every one of Jesus' sayings in "The Gospel of Thomas."  Unfortunately, the message was lost by the time the early Church took root in Rome.  However, the east seemed to understand it in ways that suggest that the early church did know it, but its meaning got a bit muddied later on.  

So, now, as we reach for a clearer understanding, merging ancient theology with modern physics, we are realizing for the first time the awesome extent to which we are creators and a glimpse of how much our Great Creator has always tried to tell us this, since the beginning.

We run on a seven chakra system. Energy zips up and down the kundalini, through the chakra energy vortexes aligned on the spine, centered in seven endocrine areas . The two biggest chakras are the heart chakra, which is the most powerful, and the head chakra, second most powerful.  Simply, we are thinkers and feelers.  Our design program is in the head - the thinker.  Our fuelselage is in the heart - the desire/will/emotional/feeling/love center.  We need both to be creators.  

The way our consciousness computer works, according to Bradden, is we mentally design what we want, creating a mental template of it. Then, we love it.  We just desire it, will it with a strong emotional charge. Then, we mentally hit the "send" button and out it goes across the wide matrix, which is the fabric of the universe, which Protestant Theologian Paul Tillich, had called "the ground of being." It is the field that permeates the entire universe which has a subtle charge and everything is webbed into it.  We are all connected together on this web. We can send messages out across it vibrationally, like sending a ripple in a lake, by sending out a thought with a heartfelt intention.  

So, as I think about the awesome of us - our magnificent minds and our passionate hearts - I realize that both aspects of our being - from tears to rational composure - are vitally important aspects of our being.  

We are designed to be creators. And, we must embrace and actively engage our innate creative design if we are going to collectively work together for peace, planetary healing, environmental remediation, healing of our bodies, our communities, our very lives, from changing ghettos into gardens. It is imperative that we begin to actively listen to how we are using our magnificent creative abilities.

Do you honor your heartfelt surges?  Do you allow your mind to daydream?  Do you give yourself permission to be emotional, feel your feelings, vent them, honor them, bless them, thank them?  Or, do you suppress all your emotions, squelch your desires, your feelings?  Do you allow yourself to dream and to paint it in technicolor, filling in the details?

Bradden invites us to take a good look at this awesome ancient creation engine we were born with.  We may need to do some tune ups on honoring and valuing parts of our heart operation in order to make our lives what we want them to be.  Our instinctual love of life and of our Earth will help us in that department also.  It seems that God designed us with a win-win program that overides anything that might self-destruct or self-sabotage.  So, it's all good news. 

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