Sunday, February 14, 2010

An Elegant Alchemy

Heaven kisses your soul, awakening you to life. Stretching, blinking back the long years, you look around and wonder. Yes. You were only sleeping all this time, these many years of your life, only dreaming that you were awake. This most beautiful love that now breathes in you, calling to you, searching you, longing for you, has come to you, uninvited, and yet is greatly welcomed.
You have only one love and you know somewhere in your being Who that is. You are blessed when you love another person, when you can taste and feel that sweetest of all wines that flows from your longing heart, rising breathless into your soul’s sharing with another. In that sudden awareness, you know this substance is from the only One who could offer such a rare gift.
You’ve met love’s madness, encountered your own longing and need, felt the intensity of love’s desire, surging from the depths of your being, carrying you to unknown mountaintops, into the deepest secrets of life and the far reaches of the universe. Yet, you never left your home.

It’s like the elegant alchemist who traveled for months and years into foreign countries, crossed deserts, stood at the top of a mountain and called to the winds and the sun until he came to where he thought his treasure lay only to learn that it was back where he started, in his own backyard. Love is like that.

It is our only treasure and only the wise fool, will hear its call, singing from within him. Drunk on its wine, he will think it's far away, and go in search of it. It is our most holy and most human pursuit. But, it was in him, in his soul's own backyard all along. And yet, he would never have found it, if he had not journeyed far for it.

St. Augustine wrote that God is closer to you than you are to yourself. It is your destiny, your primary desire to feel heaven's blush within your being. Yet, it is only a taste of heaven, only a sweet sample of what reality really is. It is an intoxicating wine, heaven’s light dancing on your soul. It is not yours. It never was yours to keep and to hold. It is a glimpse of something far beyond our worldly doodling in the sand. As any lover discovers eventually, love is like a firefly that cannot be contained. At the moment of its capture, the light begins to dim and it becomes an ordinary bug. Love must remain free to allow the divine engagement to embrace you. In that great surrender, you become love itself, moving in harmony with life itself.

Love is too potent for our human comprehension and so we look outside ourselves and see a man or a woman and engage them on this journey, invite them to the dance. Who wouldn’t want this? Only the Great One is your true love, He showed up in your life, in the human presence of another. It is that Great Other whom you encounter, who takes you on the journey of your life, beyond mountains and ravines, transcending all your limitations, to embrace you and fire you into real life.

This Great Lover comes when it wills, calls to you again and again to engage in the greatest of all human adventures, to go on the greatest ride of your life. You ride the surf of your soul, catching the delicate first wave that brushes your heart, sweetly whispering your soul to awaken more and more, to sing in the sunrise and play for just awhile until sunset calls it away. Love ebbs and flows like the seasons and the earth’s dance around the sun, beckoning and departing. 

When you are blessed again with its return, like the flowers in spring, this time, if you are wise, it will find you waiting with an awakened heart, ready to learn its most intimate secrets, until you awaken in timelessness, in wedded bliss.

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