Thursday, February 4, 2010

Love Lights the Starless Night

"Returning violence for violence multiples violence, 
adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars.  
Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that."  
- Martin Luther King Jr.

Last night, many millions of children went to bed hungry, as their mothers and fathers wept together, hungry themselves, worried, frightened, languishing on an endless sea of despair. A few weeks ago, while we watched in horror at the news coming out of Haiti, the world continued to spin another ordinary day of fighting wars, swindling each other on Wall Street and Main Street, further tearing the already weary fabric of humanity.  It is unbearable to consider what we have become and even worse, where we're headed with the madness.

While I have suggested that we each much raise up and heal our individual lives, pull back from the brink of personal darkness and despair, by focusing with an intentional consciousness on restoring ourselves and each other with our God-given creative power, we must do it quickly.  As much as it is imperative that we each do this, there is an equally profound urgency to our collective awakening.  

Today, I believe we can and will love our enemy.  I believe that we will love our brothers and sisters.  When a man asks for your coat, I know that already many, many of us are giving him two or three or hundreds.  If he slaps you on the cheek, you will remember his violence is a cry for love and you will love him, rather than react with angry words or violence.  We will turn our cheek and love.  The only medicine for our very sick world is love.
The light has dimmed to a barely perceptible glow and to turn up the lamp, to brighten our world, we must all begin immediately.  This is the most important thing anyone can do today.  There will be plenty of opportunities to practice our new art of being lovers rather than warriors today, loving more loudly than hate, holding and befriending the broken-hearted, the mean, the dirty, the poor, the self righteous, that egotistical person you may work with or even be married to, who has an ancient inner wound, the prima donna who comes in late everyday.  You know, we come in all shapes and sizes.  We are the makers of our own dream.  Our creator has imbued in us the awesome ability to create our own hells or our own heavens.  If we remain separate, each king of his own kingdom, competing and striving for our own selfish desires, the world's light will grow even dimmer.  

If we stretch our minds, our imaginations, to realize, and I admit it is a high functioning enlightened awareness, that we are all intricately woven together in a fabric of human consciousness, alive together, here, now, on this Earth, then the only way we can solve this problem is to love each other which strengthens the synapses among us, making us stronger individually and collectively.  

If we can try to see beyond our own image in the mirror, we will see that we are all one, standing together. Everything we do effects each other, like the butterfly effect. We can use our electro-magnetism to draw each other together with love.  Nothing's more magnetic, attractive, life-giving, healing or creative than the power of love.

I believe that we can win this war that has been raging against life for eons, but we must not wait one more minute.  We must get out of our egos, our personal ambition and visualize a world of love, peace, joy and dignity for everyone.

When I paint my dream of life, I see all of us together.  I see beauty, music, a healthy planet, happy children, loving parents, artists, musicians, poets - all merged harmonically as a beautiful orchestra of humanity, each playing his own instrument together as a breath-taking angelic choir.  

Recently, the news flashed scenes of Haitian families gathered together by a fire, singing, chanting, laughing even though their homes are gone, many of their  friends and relatives are dead, and they don't know where their next meal will come from or water, or medical help or anything that the next day may bring.  In those moments, they are centered in their common humanity, grateful to be alive and in those rare moments, under the starlit canopy of night, they hear within them and among them, the whisper of hope.  

The world's in trouble, big trouble, and we all must start loving away the violence right now, this very moment, beginning today. We can't undo what has been done, but we can change the future.  It's in our hands and we have already been given at our creation the power to make it beautiful.

*  Photo courtesy of Marianists International, :

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