Tuesday, February 9, 2010

You are Perfect

Yes, you read that right.  You are perfect. Think about the work of any master artist, even right down to his or her notebook sketches and you can see even those are priceless.

Well, you are the work of the master of masters.  You are created by The Creator.  I know we don't understand how, why, when or where, but we do know what.  You are made by God/Goddess.  All of life is made by God and all of life is perfect.  Maybe we can't see the whole plan, but we don't need to.  We can't see our own Passionate Purpose most of the time either.  We kind of get it, reach out for it, hold it for a fleeting moment, and then it seems to flit away and we're left wondering what it was all about.  It's hard to hold on to the holy sometimes. It's hard to keep that vision of who you want to be, hold yourself to that higher standard, remain loving when you're so tired, speak a kind word when you'd rather cry.  But, you must try to remember that you are a beautiful, holy being, of immeasurable value, dignity and honor regardless of how you feel about yourself.

There may be a way to help you hold on.  Hold on to the thought that you are perfect and that will help you remember who you really are.  You are not your body.  You are not your job, your clothes, your education, your social standing - high, low or in between, you are not what you do.  You are none of that.  You are something so much more - you are so fine, so precious and beautiful.  And, you don't know it!!  That's the deal.  You don't know it.  Everything that God makes is perfect.  God made you, therefore you are perfect.  

It's just that you're operating out of the ego mind that judges everything in the universe.  The ego mind is the Great Judge, critic, and it's mean spirited, too, may I add.  It is quick to point out all your flaws which are just things that don't measure up to its standards, which is again, a false measuring system that is based on fitting in to that world system that homogenizes human beings, reduces us, fits us all into forms, norms, cookie cutter beings.  It is the great image maker.  It holds the mirror up to us and kind of winces and says, "Hmm, gee, you have a bit of a love handle there don't you know?  And, it's not too lovely."  You know how on a day when you're already a bit tired, drained, and then suddenly one more thing comes at you and you're just vulnerable to that inner critic.  That's when you must remember who you really are and that you are perfect. 

Sometimes I think we're all co-conspiring against ourselves as we submit ourselves to the standards set for us by our culture which views us as objects.  Whenever you look at yourself in any way that is not loving and approving, you are objectifying yourself, subjecting your own being to the lens of that judge.  You are giving your power away to cultural conditioning. You will feel a power loss.  You will feel less.  And, when you feel less, your own personal vibration seems to decline.  You must stop. You are selling your self esteem to the devil.  Sorry, that's strong language, but you must see this.  Until you can see this, you will not really realize that you are perfect just the way you are, unconditionally.  

You are so loveable and so very much loved beyond your wildest imagination. You don't need anyone to tell you this.  You already are this.  The only one who needs to remember and accept this, is you.  You are loveable and you are loved and that knowledge, awareness, will set you free and breathe so much joy into you.  It will change your life. No kidding.  I've always said that the only difference between Hitler and Mother Teresa is that Mother Teresa knew that God loved her and Hitler didn't. Will your life be affected by this constant awareness of your own perfection? You also will realize that everyone else is perfect also! They just don't all know it. It's your job to help them realize it by first knowing it for yourself.

I know so many of us feel particularly lethargic around this time of year.  Cabin fever is epidemic and we're about mad due to the shortage of light.  If only there would be a warm day or two just to get out there and get some exercize.  Just admit it, none of us ever think we're good enough. We are always judging ourselves.  Who do we think we are that we could possibly do a better job at creating ourselves than God did?  Are we God's editor, publisher, principal, professor?  No.  God did a perfectly wonderful job making you and you are perfect.

The real you, that pearl of great price, your beautiful, radiant eternal soul, that sparkles in the light of eternity, glistening with life that we still dont' understand, with a wisdom that we have barely breached, and a capability of so much love if only we could reach in and feel it.  That real you is all that is eternal, nonperishable, and real about you.  It is YOU and it is made of Godstuff and since God is eternal and you are made of Godstuff, you are also eternal.  It's plain and simple.  It's not God in you as much as it is You, created by God, who has infused His gift of your own creating ability into your wonderful, wise, loving, creative and absolutely perfect You.

So, the next time you want to get on your case for not being good enough, not smart enough, not well read enough, a bit out of the loop on the world news scene (that's one of mine) not working at a good enough job, not good enough ..... you name it, we all do this.  STOP!  and remember:  You are good enough, because God made you perfect.  Fire that inner tyrannical dictator.  You're taking over.  You're the boss now and the next time you question whether you're good enough, fit enough, lean, mean, smart or whatever, remember:  You're perfect just the way you are.  Take a breath and remember who You are really and give all that other stuff a rest.  You can make things better when you realize that you are perfect just the way you are.  When you're in control of yourself, knowing that who you really are and the kind of wisdom, power and love that real You has, then you can accomplish all your goals, much more easily and with much more joy.

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